Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hockey fights ruin teams

Conflicts of interest seem to find a way to always present themselves. Unfortunately, the conflict of interest that I happened to witness happened to be between two of my teammates who are also two of my really good friends. The way this relates to Oedipus is fairly simple to catch. In my opinion in the quarrel, one of my friends is right in the way he feels, and the other is wrong in what he did (no names). The one that is right in his feelings can be compared to Creon, while the one who is wrong in his doings can be compared to Oedipus. However, I would characterize myself as Jocasta, except for the fact that I am a man. I compare myself to her because, I can always be seen in the middle of my friends conflict. One is always venting to me about the other, and really all I want to do is pull myself out of the situation. But I know I cant back out, in interest of my friends and my team. These to guys used to be best friends through high school, and two years of college and now something stupid is causing them to fight and I don't like seeing that. Also, these are two of the core players on our team, and without their comradery, our teams dream of winning the national championship might go down the drain. Jocasta was found in the background of Oedipus' and Creon's fight and really just wanted it to go away, like myself. Hopefully, my friends can make up, and pull it together to bring home the championship.

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