Thursday, September 9, 2010

Oedipus thoughts

I was speaking to my friends about the play. They said how they remember reading the play in high school and how messed up it was. I told them it was my first time reading the play and the meaning I drew from the story. I recalled a time where I said that for some men, having sex with a woman is the form of control and power for them. Being able to please a woman physically is a great rush and sense of accomplishment for some men. I related this to Oedipus and his encounters with his mother. By trying to save themselves from their terrible fate, Lauis & Jocasta took control of Oedipus's fate; something that wasn't theirs to control. I was telling my friend how I felt Oedipus's actions with his mother was a form of him taking back control, the control that his mother took from him. As for his father, I cant think of another way to take control from someone thats greater than taking their life. Although Oedipus wasn't aware of who he killed, I fell that Sophocles was alluding to the underlying theme of control in the play.-J. Ramsey

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