Monday, September 20, 2010

Late Night Oedipus

I'm up late just got done talking to my girl. Shes goes Weschester Community College and shes taking about four or five classes. We were talking and shes complaining about how much she has to read and write for her English class. I told her I despise writing too but love reading. I told her about Oedipus and what we talked about in class and we went back and forth about the themes. Its funny because I'm usually the one who listens to her go on and on about her writing but this tome I was going in on
Oedipus. From themes to content, the sphinx to Oedipus himself, for some reason I had a lot to say. She said it sounded like i was either high or I really enjoyed the class because I usually don't speak that much. She brought up a good point on how Oedipus set up his own fate by trying to avoid it....-J. Ramsey

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