Monday, September 20, 2010

Don't Talk to Me About Minimalist

Ain't technology awesome? Now we can create structures that absolutely no one will be able to see! Shown in the picture is a scaled down version of the USS Enterprise of the "Star Trek" series...actually quite scaled down. The thing is 8.8 micrometers long and was constructed with a 30 KV Ga+ focused-ion-beam CVD (and this is me pretending like I know what that is), and gives an entirely new depth to the meaning of small. Is this a revolution in art in the making? Does the future of art lie in heavy machinery and intensified microscopes? Logically, it would make sense; art is always shifting in popular media through the years based on what's available, and we haven't had such precise gadgets until recently...and, come to think of it, we haven't had "Star Trek," either. One can never tell, but saying we're headed in this direction a reasonable speculation for a world growing ever more dependent on mechanics and virtual data.

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