Saturday, September 4, 2010

indetity continued...

As the days continue to go by I find myself paying more and more attention to how my identity plays a role in my and other people’s lives. I look around myself and I have noticed that the people who surround you have a crucial impact on your identity. Lately, I have noticed around my own house that the siblings who live in my house and those that have moved out have very different identities. My brother who still lives at home with us is very conserved and basically doesn’t have much of a life since he works full-time and goes to school part-time. My other brother, who is younger than the one that lives at home, has his own house and is married with one son. Both have different identities and believe opposite things are important. Therefore, I say the people and friends you surround yourself with day to day play an important role on whom you become. Pick good company and build a good identity.
aurooj hussain

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