Saturday, September 4, 2010

Oedipus by Rita McDonald

I don't really know what to blog about when it comes to Oedipus. I have read the play before and never am not amazed at how much I'm disgusted. The thought of a son and his mother being together is just…wrong. However, a son is taught to respect, love and be devoted to his mother. It is acceptable to be daddy's little girl, but you are a wimp if you are a mommy's boy. I can't say I disagree with that, I don't want to date a man who is attached to his mother. The mother expects the son to take care of her in her old age. What, then, is the son supposed to do with his wife? He's busy taking care of his mother, therefore he can't take care of his wife. Best solution for him, make them both the same person…messed up. I don't think that it's right the wife couldn't be the queen without a king. Why is that? Is it because she is a woman and therefore can't make decisions without them being unrealistic and irrational? Would she go to war the week of her period and demand all the country's supply of chocolate? The fact that women can't be considered serious or taken seriously because they are not as smart as men, can't make rational decisions without a man and simply can't rule because she is a woman makes me mad more than anything else in the world. When I hear people implying that women can't do what men can do, I pick up the same 50 to 100 pounds the man next to me picks up and bring it where ever I am asked to bring it. Women can rule the same way men can, and had Thebes simply allowed her to rule alone, or allowed her brother to take the throne none of this would have ever happened. They never would have had a plague, the gods angry at them, people hurt and dying. I blame the men.
-Rita McDonald Post 1 THR 104

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