Friday, September 17, 2010

Is Titanic Greek, is it a Tragedy according to Aristotle?

The movie Titanic will forever be one of my favorite movies. The more and more I think about it, I realize that it is Greek. From the beginning when Jack wins tickets to when the ship sinks, everything about it is Greek. In addition to extreme Opsis, it embodies all criteria that makes a tragedy according to Aristotle

As stated, at the beginning Jack wins tickets for the ship, it is in turn his true fate. As we all know, it is his fate to die at the end as well. If you think about Oedipus and Aristotle’s Poetics, Jack cant out run this fate; he is destined to die as was Laius in Oedipus Rex. There is no way to get around it.

The Mythos of the movie is the most important part, and as stated in the Poetics, it is throughout the entire movie. The Mythos, specifically, is the love story between Jack and Rose which evidently is omnipresent. Every time Rose narrates the story it includes something about Jack Dawson and how they could never be together but love each other.

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