Sunday, September 19, 2010

Knowing a Person

The thing that truly defines a person in their life is their career. Just knowing a persons career can immediately tell you a swath of information about the person: what are their areas of strength, their possible areas of weaknesses, and a general sense of their hobbies. Unrelated, I'm a big Iron Chef fan, and whenever they start the show they display the quote "Tell me what you eat and I'll tell you who you are" - Brillat-Savarin. However, I think this quote fails to take into account the many many sides a person can have. For example, people who I had in class for months in my past classes became very surprised when I actually really started talking with them, because I showed them my other more "dynamic" sides, as opposed to the calm, quiet side that is only present during classes. My friends say that a person having many sides is how most people are, but I think that when you have such an extremely wide variation such as me, you can NEVER predict around the corners of the other personalities. The only way to do so is just to experience the person more, whether it'd be through talk or adventure (another unrelated quote: You can learn more about a person in a day of adventure than in a year of talk).

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