Thursday, September 16, 2010

Lions and Tigers and Cops... OH NO!

So the other night there was an event that occurred that caused me to be in the middle of an unfortunate situation between some of my friends. My situation can unfortunately be compared to a scene in Oedipus where Creon confronts Oedipus for killing his own father. When my friends were stopped by cops (right out side of my dorm room window) A scene started playing out where my friends turned into Oedipus, trying to hide the fact that they stole the sign, and the Cops being Creon, constantly accusing them and angering them until they gave in.

The scene then shifted when the cops left. One of my friends was extremely upset and angry, while the other was upset and regretful. I then turned myself into Jocasta, finding myself in the middle of everything trying to stop the worst from happening. I had to control one of my friends from storming off and driving home and potentially stop him from hurting someone, and I had to talk to the other friend trying to calm her down and reassure her that everything would be fine.

Eventually, my worked payed off a little bit. Two days later, everything is almost back to normal, except the fact that the two friends aren't talking yet, and I was able to go to bed that night at 5:30 am.

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