Sunday, September 19, 2010


Recently, people have been lying to me a lot. i don't know if its just because i look gullible or stupid. Some boy that was trying to "get to know me" lied about some stupid performance he was suppose to be in. I didn't believe him in the beginning but i didn't want him to know that so i ran along with it. The day of performance, as my friend and i got closer to the event, he started telling me how things are starting to fall apart. Then once the show started he told me his contract got messed up and he's not performing. So in order for me to believe him, i wanted to see him before i left the event. he made up some dumb excuse about his manager not letting him leave. do i look that dumb? sometimes i feel like if your going to lie, make it worth lying for. And if your going to lie, make it believable. But this doesn't mean I'm okay with liars because I'm truly not.

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