Friday, September 10, 2010

Oedipus and Goalkeeper's

I recently joined a outdoor soccer team after a 3 year hiatus. School, work, and social life took precedent I suppose. Yesterday, after I called out sick from work, we had a scrimmage against a Lindenhurst club. It was a battle from the moment the referee put his mouth on the whistle to the opposing players car's leaving the parking lot. It wasn't until I returned home that I made a connection between the outcome of the game and to Oedipus. In both the soccer match and in Oedipus there was the need to expose weaknesses.
The Lindenhurst team while very fast and fresh legged lack strength and a sturdy back line. We noticed this very early on when there sweeper struggled to settle a routine pass from a fellow defenseman. We continued to send long ball after long ball to our strikers in an attempt to beat them and test their nerves as well as their stamina. Sure enough they were being beaten and the chances were coming. What we failed to notice was that their goalkeeper may as well have been a brick wall between the goal posts. Time and time again our midfielders and strikers were testing the keeper with low shots, high shots, and chips. He snuffed out any through ball in the box and steamrolled any player attempting a fifty-fifty ball in the air. It was discouraging and frustrating but we never took our foot off the gas.
Just as Oedipus was the backbone of the city of thebes this keeper had kept his team's hopes alive. Yet, Oedipus and the relentless keeper are only human and an unceasing amount of pressure will break any man. The coach made the call to bring a third striker up. After a series of passes in the defensive third the newly appointed striker sprang for a cross from a through ball from a defenseman. The striker took a touch outside the eighteen and ripped a shot low and to the far post. The keeper with his out stretched glove got a hand on it, but not enough of it, it trickled by him and settled in the back of the net. Final, 1-0.
Oedipus was a man, there was no divine intervention that had led him to lead his town. Although he had done honorable things and protected his town he would have met his breaking point sooner or later.

..Now I'm going to go ice my left calf...3 years is a long hiatus.

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