Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Perfect girl

Growing up i was always around my mother. Having her take care of me i grew fond of her and i loved her qualities. Many years later and as i experienced dating i realized that the only girls that i took serious in a relationship were the ones that had some of the same traits that my mother did. Although i love the traits that my mom posseses i do not like all of them, and therefore sometimes a girl can be so much like mom that it scares me. In my case, Sigmund Freud is right, that my first love was my mother and i do base some of the traits i look for in a girl upon my mother.
In Oedipus Rex, King Oedipus marries the queen of Thebes, and has sex with her. This is all done without the Kings own knowledge that the woman he has married and fornicated with was his biological mother. When this information is revealed, his mother hangs herself, and upon discovering his mothers body hanging from a noose, Oedipus decides to stab his own eyes out.

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