Saturday, September 18, 2010

Internet Why Do We Love It So Much...

Today i realized that the internet is becaoming more and more neccessary for us all. as humans we are attracked to the attention that we attract online and to the idea that someone may be actually listening to us. for example, myself writting this blog i'm thinking is anyone actually going to read it are they going to agree with me or disagree with me? and that feeling keeps us all coming back for more and therefore we find this internet following us everywhere we go it's on computers everywhere and now its in your pocket all the time via all these new advanced cell phones. also this facbook is all very "adictive" everyone claims. even those people who are shy to talk to others during everyday life have a facebook and actually are more open on facebook than in real life. this makes me believe that one day like those wierd movies we all will not have any human contact we will all be in our houses doing most of our daily things through computers somehow. its kind of freaky if you think about it. i don't really know how i feel about the computers taking over one day but i will continue to think baout it. i definetly like the human to human contact so i would not want to loose that.

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