Monday, September 6, 2010

Pictures of Thebes, post 2 for thr 104

I took these pictures saturday night while out. Oedipus has no way out of running into fate. His fate was written many years ago and he proves he cannot avoid fate.

This picture of wheat reminds me of the famine and the starving people in Thebes during Oedipus' reign as king. The land wouldn't produce for them and many people died because of Oedipus' fate.

Though it wasn't meant to, this child freaked me out a bit. It's laughing but it looks evil, possibly the way Oedipus was viewed as a child.

These are the men trying to protect the King from Oedipus' attack. They failed, causing Laius to die and Oedipus to fulfill his destiny.

This man looks like a priest who was arguing with Oedipus. As Oedipus put his punishment out there for the unclean person who killed the king, the priests were telling him to lessen the punishment. If the person who is guilty knows of the punishment he'll never come forward and therefore Thebes will be suffering forever.
-Rita McDonald

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