Friday, September 24, 2010

Rants Rants Rants

Well, I will be honest, I feel like this particular post will relate very little to the things we read and will more just be me talking about strange things that bother me or I dislike or I can just rant about.
I hate it when people say true as an answer to something I say. Example: Me: I just got home from the mall. Them: True. :: Like really wtf does that mean. Ofcourse it's true? Do you think I like to just mess with you and pull out lies in the middle of our conversations? I really should, so when they go true, I can go, no, false.
I hate it when people are so ridiculously weird, that it is almost like they are being weird for the sake of being weird. Now, don't miss read this, I don't hate weird people. Infact, I am weird and a lot my best friends are weird. The other day I was talking about pokemon the videogame with my friends and we all knew the characters, which is kinda weird as grown men. But, no, what I am talking about, is the person who is so counter culture and likes strange things, just so people think, wow that person is into weird things.
I hate it when people get mad at me because I don't understand spanish very well. This one is somewhat unique and is something that the children of immigrants or people that work in jobs usually taken by immigrants have to deal with more then anything. Let me describe a situation and maybe you can see my reason for hatred. Well, let me begin by saying, I am half spanish and while I don't look it, I understand most of the langauge and can hold a decent, badly grammered conversation with someone in it. Over the summer, when I was working at a local diner as a waiter, I often had a lot of spanish customers. Now, some of these customers only spoke spanish. I could understand most of the orders, but every so often, someone would order something I never heard of. Like, before working in the diner buisness I never heard the word shrimp in spanish. If I didnt understand, I would try to get a bus boy to help me by describing the item (they also didnt speak english). If all this failed, I usually asked them if they could say the order in english for me. To this, they would usually answer why don't you understand spanish, you are a waiter. And while I never said it, the first thing I would think is, G*D F*CKING D*MNIT, this is America, we speak english here, why don't you learn my language so you don't get stuck working as a busboy or illegal job your whole life. You came to this land for opportunities right? Well, it will be pretty hard to take advantage of these opportunites if you can't read, write, or speak english.

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