Saturday, September 18, 2010

Victims of Society

Can we blame everything destructive that we see in our day to day lives on the powers that dominate society?
Do we blame Cars, Global Warming, and Aids edpidemic on them?
The powers that control everything that we come in contact with.
Do they manipulate music, television, and news?
Do they enjoy our distraction, infiltration, dumb-a-fication?
What is their reward?
Is it for our own good or theirs?
Do they love to keep us weak and low and numbers?
What are they hiding, is it worth this?
Why is porn free?
Do they believe they are doing GOD's work or have they sold their souls?
Should we care whose behind it?
I do not think its cool to knowingly rob the world of all its resources to favour a minority.
FUCK YOU!!! I will not die the ways you want me. Order a hit, send your assassins, erase my existance!
Will that bring you good, or am I just so puny, so muffled, that you don't care what I say?
Why care?
Wait, is that what you want me to ask?
I do not know, and that is your total and complete fault,
who ever you are?

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