Sunday, October 31, 2010


My posts have been jumping around a lot lately, i have most of them on this user name but i also have 2 on the globalcivicmedia2 user name. I figure since most of my blogs are already on this user name i might as well put everything onto this one. Anyway onto the actual post. In class the professor talked about the balance of things or the sort of ying-yang. Where one thing complements the other in a way that is very appealing. Previous to talking about this in class i had not given it much thought. I had always known it was there but never really paid much attention to it. Now that i am more aware of it i see it more often. A lot of times when I'm walking into a building, the way the building interacts with the environment or the way the light reflects off the surface of the building. Overall i feel that as we talk about more and more things in this class i see things much differently. At time the professor can talk about things that are really out there. But in the end they really make you think and see the world differently from your previous perspective.


It's either A or F just like winners or losers in the game. It can be one team getting A's or one individual. The game was pretty simple but hard to trust others. There was also a spy from another team in my team A. I couldn't post these photo immediately because the passworld has been changed. If it was a million dollar game, I doubt that there might be many rogues. There were approximately 20 students in each team. So either getting 50 grand per person or could win a million dollar by rogue.

Sunset - Raw

I thought I should post the raw video of my Sunset video I posted earlier.

With this, you can clearly see the changes of the sky in a span of 20 minutes.
While I was editing this with Windows Live Movie Maker, I used the "Visual Effects" available in the program to create the effects seen in the other video. I saw that they showed the textures of the sunset I wanted others to see.


I finally finished the short clip of my version of textures of time. I shortened the recorded video from 20 minutes to a minute. The actual "texture" parts are really unsteady and they might hurt your eyes a bit because I was recording the whole thing free hand, apologies.

Created with: Windows Live Movie Maker
Music: Instrumental version of Hoppipolla by Siqur Ros

Textures of Time

Ever since we were assigned to find "evidences" of textures of time, I was thinking what constituted it. I could never fully grasp the idea of time having a texture - after all, time is not something physical. That's what I thought. Time affects everything and it affects us. It is only through the passage of time that we can see changes and movements. So I thought, if it is time we are looking at, why not observe the most basic but fundamental evidence of time? It's something humans have used centuries ago to keep track of time. No, not the sundial but the sun. I wanted to record the movement of the sun when it is most striking and beautiful - the sunset. (I've thought of dawn too but I just wasn't up to the task of waking at 5 or 6 in the morning - who would?)

So yesterday, I watched the sun set on campus. The sky was clear and it wasn't too cold. We chose a spot behind the stadium grounds. I had my camera and my phone to catch the moment. I brought a friend with me to take the pictures with the point-and-shoot camera while I take the video with my iPhone. We started filming at 5:55pm (according to the Web, sunset in Stony Brook would be at 5:58pm). The battery of the point-and-shoot camera ran out after 5 minutes. I had to hold my phone as steady as I could for who knows how long without making so much noise so my phone wouldn't catch it. It definitely wasn't looking good.

After exactly 20 minutes, I stopped recording because my arms were getting numb and I was starting to shake (I should've used a tripod but I wasn't thinking that ahead). But all that wasn't for naught. I knew I caught a really good footage (minus the shakes) when halfway through the filming, I saw the most amazing thing - the atmospheric effect by the setting sun. It was so beautiful I kept on mouthing to my friend (remember I was afraid to make any sounds?) the words, "OMG! That is pretty!"

So yeah, I downloaded the video and the pictures in my computer to post on this blog but an idea came to my mind: rather than just posting the pictures and video, I'll mix 'em together and make a short presentation. 'Til later.

Performance Space Video

Close-up video of the lines and depth of my performance space. I used the "cammo" style here.


For the experiment professor had us do last Thursday. I wasn’t there but I heard what happened. Honestly I thought the whole idea was interesting and I knew someone would either go rogue or do something to make sure they would win. I didn’t think Chris would go as far as changing the password but all’s fair in love and war- or at least when it comes to getting an A or F. I figured that it wasn’t going be for a real grade but that was a good test. The professor had a good point in saying that the main goal was to satisfy what he wanted and i can see how when it comes to winning it can be easy to forget that. I just want to say good job to both teams.-J. Ramsey

Don Juan

Don Juan…….an interesting story. I have to say the funniest part was the ending. I felt for Sganerelle on having everyone else get what they want except for him. I also liked how Elvire’s brothers were out looking for Don Juan’s head for screwing their sister over. I would have done the same thing for mine. One thing about this play that I didn’t understand was the whole “Heaven” concept. I didn’t know if it was a person or a thing then near the end it might have been a statue? Other than that I enjoyed the play for the most part because I felt the whole story was leading up to something.-J. Ramsey

Old Aristotle

Aristotle’s Poetics described his view on tragedy. He viewed tragedy as a serious representation of actions and speeches done by the characters of the play. This was done to portray emotions of pity and terror. I agree with his interpretation of tragedy in most aspects. By using a characters speech it shows their emotions in an oral form. The same can be said for what a character does. Actions speak louder than words and for an author, delivering the emotions of your story or play is done best by a characters actions. In addition to this I believe an author can use a character’s thoughts as an even more powerful tool. Thoughts express what both words and actions express. In fact, I think of thoughts as a combination of both speech and actions. When a character expresses their thoughts it gives the reader or audience a deeper insight to their emotions. In fact, I believe Aristotle knew this as well but decided not to include it in his poetics.-J. Ramsey


so this past weekend i was talking to my mother about Halloween, how was it when she was growing up. The women tells me the same but way more safer of course because everything is about violence in the times we live in now. Even growing up as a child i never enjoyed halloween because for one i did not eat candy never have never will, also it was scary i wasn't into all that scary stuff when i was younger because that's the only thing my mother would watch in the house and i used to be just scared for my life for Freddy in them. So this halloween i thought maybe i should dress up and see what the hype is about so on Friday i went to buy me a lil Rastafarian hat and that was it. i brought it because you got a discount into the party i was going to which was horrible i didn't see the hype at all. I guess because i was never really the halloween type of person o well i do be that party pooper.

1sr you tube clip of family video

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Don Juan

Whose the one to blame? Who made life a game? Give to me his name.

I mean can you really blame the guy, woman make man a man.

Was he dazed and distracted?
Why the devil collect?
Why was it banned?
I am tired of all the inner meanings in these pieces.

There is only one, WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!!

Posted for the world.

Friday, October 29, 2010


Why do you come to us as if we are dying, diving to eat off our plate. Get your own damn plate.
I do commend your yearning to stay active and eating to survive.
One question, is it really for us?
I doubt it, not because I'm a pessimist which I am not because I fear you are doing it for yourself.
I do not know.
I wish undergrads were encouraged to unite.

more textures

transparent sketchup movie

Party Dilemma

Two weeks back my friend threw birthday party. The party was at his house. There was some trouble regarding the invitees. My friend invited Athena, one of his friend. Now, Athena turned out to be his roommate's X-GF. And, his current GF obviously didn't want her presence in the party.
So my buddy was in dilemma. He brought this problem to all of us.

At that time I thought of Hamlet. If such a small matter bothered us then what Hamlet went through at such a young age was too much. No wonder he was struck in middle of nowhere. Eventually, he followed his instincts and did the right thing. My friend did similarly. He said he has to live with his roommate all the time so he has to listen to him. Hence, he didnt invite his friend(roomies' X). I dont know whether it turned out to be the right decision or nt.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

24 Season 1

I just finished watching the 24 Season 1. The end sparked a new thought inside my head. In the end Nina Mayers, one of the CTU agent turned rogue. She used to date Jack Baur before Baur moved back with his wife. So, revenge priority for Nina. She broke all the rules she could, and bend all the strings she could and finally extracted revenge by killing Baur's wife.

The crucial problem with women is, lack of unity amongst them. It is very easy to break them. And many a times men take advantage of this. If women wanna attain equal status as men they need to unify. They need to understand that there will always be problems between them but they need to ignore them and move on. Throughout the 24 series, the men continuously opened the wounds of Nina and Terry(Jack's wife). They never let both of them cooperate and communicate.
So Women need to learn lessons from past and must get rid of their problems

Sex for survival

Men can me omni-potent, alpha and ultra powerful. But, every men has one weakness: Sex.
Women know this very well. And, women even use it smartly to get what they want. It is like the 'Dog and the Bone'. They put forward the bone, the dog enters and the cage closes. Although the bone tastes good, but the cage starts biting soon.

Both the women in the movie knew; they needed the Man who returned from war; for their own survival and prosperity. The young woman seduced him and he fell for her. The old woman saw this and she threw her dice too. It didn't work but that didn't discourage her. She kept trying until she was helpless. In short both the lady knew their solo survival is difficult and they went in the shade of the Man.

Women fight against Men

Physically men are considered stronger than women. It is a fact. Although, when it comes to power of mind, an equality has been noticed. In fact in recent years Women have surpassed men in many a fields. It is kind of slap in the face for most men who always looked down to the women. Women have made up for their lack of physical strength with extra hard work.

As we noticed in the movie, the two women were alone; still they managed to live. It was tough beginning but eventually they came to terms with it. They always found alternatives to survive some how. They even started hunting down men to robe their valuable armor. Later they sold this armor. This is very ironic. The armor is sign of Masculinity. The women showed how men were vulnerable without the armor. They looted the most precious jewels that men possessed.

Oni Baba

Oni Baba turned out to be an amazing movie. I didnt see it with high expectations and it was my first Subtitle Dependent movie. But, after watching I felt that it is one movie that was years ahead of its time. The movie portrayed Feminism truly. 19th and 18th Century saw the rise of Feminist power. Women started to come out of the kitchen and fought for their social status.

This movie also shows Feminine power's rise. The Japanese Men have gone to war and the Women are left on their own to survive. Usually, Eastern Women are more household oriented. Though, this movie showed that in the hour of battle the women can survive on their own. They can fight for their own survival. And, that is what the two women did in the movie. And that is what the women of 21st Century is doing everyday.

Beautiful CG


sketchup textures

Apologies for the Game/Scavenger Hunt

I just wanted to apologize for any issues I may have caused due to the scavenger hunt. For those of you who do not know, I am the guy who changed the password on the blogger site and I am also the reason that the password is no longer "nopassword". So yea I am sorry about that. It was not ment to hurt anyone and was only ment in good fun. As I explained in an earlier post, the reason I changed the password would be so that only our team could write a blog and only our team could win. I thought that the professor would enjoy seeing a team that was ruthless and would win at all costs. All the people I have told it too have enjoyed the story and thought it was very cool outside the box thinking. If you are mad at me now classmates, I am sorry, and maybe in the future you can find the idea funny and think that maybe it was even kind of clever, but heck if you don't, then atleast accept an apology.

On the plus it did create a lot of contreversy and gave us something really cool to talk about. Right?

So I don't want to just leave this as an apology message, I would also enjoy writing about stuff a little more. I think I am doing good in the class so far. I am hoping for the A and am doing all within my power to get it. Anyway, I am pretty hungry and am gonna eat some food and gooo to bed. Anyways catch you later.


Here's the stuff I posted in the other blog, so it's all in one place.


One of my textures,I didn't want to put them all on here, nor did I want them to be put together, it would take too long! Anyways I picked the beach because I just love the textures of the sand and ocean and sky together and especially during the dusk.

Transparent video

Cargo Room shape

This is the part of my cargo home. I didn't want to make it so simple, so I put them one on top of the other. I just need to find stairs or something cool to go from one room to the other. I also added different shapes of orange going from darker to lighter as it goes higher. 

Transparency pictures

This is part of my transparency model. I put a polygon on the picture and pulled it out. Then I put all different shapes throughout the model inside. I used the blue/green theme and just played with it. I also used the free lines so that I could make custom lines to make it not as straight edge. Next time I want to make it bigger with more shapes and things inside the bigger polygon.


Getting ready for bed, I walked into my room with a glass of water, turned on my ipod and set it to sleep in 30 minutes and I told myself that I had to dream about something. Now usually I never ever dream. Once I fall asleep I am put into a very deep sleep until the next morning when my alarm goes off. 

When I drifted to sleep I obviously didn’t dream right away. I was way to tired to think of anything but sleep. Dreams only last a few minutes and feel as though they last until eternity. So when I awoke from a dream that was very real I got so confused. 
I dreamt about going into town and getting a tongue ring. Now I know it seems like its some stupid dream but I looked on and sure enough there was something about tongue rings. I felt that pain in the dream and immediately woke up right when the needle was going to go through me. It meant that I had to talk to someone about something very important, and I did. I went days without talking to this person and the dream kept on coming back. Once I did after I got really freaked out I felt like all the wait was off of my shoulders. I went back to sleep hoping I wouldn’t have this dream again. 

When I fell asleep I had a similar dream, not a nightmare, but a dream where they were taking my tongue ring out. This symbolized that I had talked to my friend and everything was going to be okay. I never knew that dreams had such meaning to it. Even when you’re asleep your brain works till no end. I hope I have more of them soon.

Technology Health?

The advancement in technology allowed us to further our functions as human beings if we lose a limb or arm, but has been the same since the 60's. Now that technology has begun to become the new job profession for many young people there has been a new innovation in health science, specifically the ability to use a biotic arm. The invention of DEKA arm is a new innovation that allows the human without an arm to once again be a functional being.

Amazing Advancement show how even though humans can conceive things as being dull because one has lost a arm, has once again became a human with full functioning abilities.
Great Video on How technology affects our life

Society or Fantasy?

Does Society or Fantasy cause people to believe in other things that we need to do or what we want to do. We are engaged with our fantasies but also it is affected by society. As children, many would have wanted to be an astronaut or a fireman or something ordinary that made kids fantasies soar. As children become teenagers to adults, they have their fantasies bent by society and preference to become things like living in mansions and driving Ferrari's. Truth is that many things affect how our Cinderella story is visioned by society.

IVE BEEN WORKING ON SKETCHUP! (say it with the ive been working on the railroad tone) :)

this is a shetchup model of my abstract museum. as professor said i'm pumpin things out by the hour so there's lots more coming gotta make some eye candy! (fun...not exactly) the reason why i made this type of jaggedy museum because the top of it really ammuses me and i love the sqare pieces sticking out all over the top.

Relating Hamlet with my Mornings

Everyday we play a small part of hamlet every time we wake up. We choose whether to face the world or sleep and engulf ourselves in our sleep and dream about our own universe within our minds. Hamlet had to face the world or could have killed himself or ran away and avoid everything from revenge, to facing the menacing people that lived in his kingdom. The truth is every morning we conduct the same process of "to be or not to be" and I guarantee 99/100 times we will be what we need to be and not what we want to be. We choose to work hard because it affects us tomorrow and we do what we need to because we fear tomorrow. No one ever wakes up without thinking about the day while they wake up.

Dwell home of the future, where it seems that Large Plain Space with White walls are around. This is how the innovation of homes are producing.

Innovation in Film and Play

There are Innovations Daily on how plays and films are being done. In class I am intrigued as to how many things can be used to be unique with different types of applications. Using Gary's Mod to play hamlet is ingenious and thinking of other types of subjects and plays that can be integrated into the game. I even think most of these games can help teach other subjects or concepts with games and other applications that interact with people. The new ways of integrating people to engage with programs make it easier to teach an objective. As the future unfolds so does the new ways technology assist with teaching subjects and information with applications is near, if it is not here already.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Don Juan Game

Since last Tuesday I’ve thinking of the "Don Juan Game” and its results. I was really disappointed when I learned that the reason that nobody could log on the Blogger was because the password was changed. After all the “words” we said and used in classroom and our opinion, one of my classmates came to apologize, which I think that was honest and I really appreciated.
Talking about the “game” itself I think that if someone had or thought about going rogue should find
a smart way out. What I mean by that? There’s no shortcuts in life. If you want to succeed the smart way is never short. Just think of how much time reading,blogging, using smart or no smart phone we have to pull up with in order to pass.
Still thinking about going rogue? What is the short cut for that? Unplugging the gadgets or changing password won’t give anyone the “As”.
So, for those who worked hard please copy and past the link . You’ll find on UTube I posted.

The view towards the non-virgin females

The view towards the non-virgin females
We discussed in class that in the medieval era, when a women is not a virgin anymore, they are socially looked down upon, and ‘useless’. This view was more clearly shown in Hamlet, when Ophelia would not leave Hamlet immediately. Also, famous medieval novels such as Scarlet Letter show such principles as well. This idea of looking down on women that lost ‘purity’ is not only present through dramas of medieval era, yet it is still clearly shown in modern era as well.
In modern society, when men sleeps around or makes out with numerous different women, it is not seen as too abnormal. Yet, sometimes people comprehend these behaviors as normal behaviors as well. Yet, the problem is that when women take same actions, the society looks down on them more severely. In the end, people stay away from such women and outcasts them from their social group. Although not as severe as the old days, women’s excessive sexual interactions with men, are still seen as one of the mores.

Pleasure and Reality principle?

Pleasure and Reality principle?
Sigmund Freud came up with two different principles as we discussed in class. One is pleasure principle, which the pleasure overtakes the other factors. Reality principle is where you put pleasure and ego aside to get yourself a reality check of what life is like. The two were apparent in both Hamlet and Oedipus. I found something that demonstrates the pleasure and the reality principle really well; drinking.
Alcohol has an effect of making somebody feel good during intoxication and forgetting their suffers atleast for the moment. For instance, if I was drunk before the day of the exam, I would stop worrying and keep on drinking more. That seems to be the pleasure principle you get from drinking. Yet, on contrary, the reality check comes after the awakening. When you wake up in the morning, and you have a hangover, that’s what you realize that what you did the night before wasn’t a smart idea. If you’ve missed your test, then, drinking really was your reality principle that wakes you up from it.

Oedipus and Hamlet

Oedipus and Hamlet
Despite the fact that Oedipus and Hamlet were written in different era of history by people of different backgrounds, it seems to present a view that is eternally existent in mankind; women deepen problems. In Oedipus, despite the fact that the main conflict was the plague in the city, the conflict gets more serious as Oedipus finds the truth about him and his mother, and their forbidden affairs. Hamlet’s mother’s affair with Claudius causes the drama with Hamlet and his drive for vengeance. In these dramas, the women take a big part in triggering many problems such as Pandora.
The same seems to apply to the real world as well, looking at all the sex scandals of politicians and celebrities. I was in my technology and ethics lecture the other day, and by using GoogleEarth, it is possible to track down all the politicians walking in and out of strip clubs. Furthermore, the presidents, like Obama encountered problems of such as well. Not only politicians, but other celebrities, such as sports starts face public downfalls through the revealing of their secret affairs. Although there are many other issues that takes them down publicly, sexual encounter seems to be the biggest and the most common one.

Game Revie:Trust Issues

Due to the recent chaos that occurred as a result of the changing of the password, I did not get a chance to talk about last thursday's game. As I think more upon it, I realize that the game was a bit of a fail, on both ends. My team, for instance, was extremely hesitant at first, each person cautious of the other. We were each worried that someone on the team went rogue, or had decided to join the other team and was merely acting as a spy. We failed to gain the faith needed in order to trust each other, which in the end would strengthen our team. It's sad to know that we find it so hard to trust one another. If we can't trust each other in a simple game, who's to say that it will be easier in life, where things actually matter. Where along the line did humans start turning against each other, looking at each other so suspiciously, just waiting on the moment until they mess up?

All Doomed to Hell...

Don Juan is a story about a Casanova who tricks women into marrying him just so that he can sleep with them. He plays multiple women, and gets whatever he wants, whenever he wants. However, in the end, it seems as though Don Juan gets what many people would say he deserved. Don Juan gets taken into hell, and pays a price for his actions which have hurt so many of the people that have fallen folly to his act.
Don Juans imprisonment in hell brings up a good question that affects each of us: Do each of us have a hell to pay for our actions? All individuals commit some sort of sin, its part of our human nature, there's no escaping it. However, are we constantly being punished for these sins, paying a tough price for doing only what comes naturally to us? Each of us is constantly complaining about something that bothers us, something that we wish would just go away. Could it be that these nuisances are the price we pay for committing a wrongful act? And can we escape this sort of doom, or is it an endless cycle that will keep repeating itself, due to the fact that human nature causes us to behave in ways that don't always produce the kindest result.

original song number four

we were supposed to compose a musical piece in which we added some vocals, i made this one. it doesnt have that many vocals but i added them to this composition to experiment with this since i WILL NOT be singing for this...