Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Going incognito

I've been using Chrome as my browser for more than a year now. A few months ago, I found the feature it offers to surf the Web "secretly" via New incognito window (Ctrl+Shift+N). When I opened the window, I first noticed the suspicious-looking man icon on the left hand side (reminds you that no trace of your web browsing will be saved):

The page contained a short explanation of how the incognito works: browsing history and such won't be recorded (basically what's within Chrome) but any external parties might see/take information. Seriously, the last two at the bottom made me laugh:

Anyway, it just goes to say that it's really hard to keep our digital footprints (I prefer calling them cyberprints) hidden. You have the popular story of a man who applied for a job; job employer does a quick search on him and finds a photo of him smoking marijuana. There are also cases of impersonating, hacking, and stalking--which of course includes the infamous Facebook stalking (less suspicious but creepy nonetheless). But in any of these cases there are people and/or computers out there that will eventually look up/stumble on information about us.

I recently read an article about some users on Facebook who don't just simply logout after use--they disable their account. It's obvious that they want to take extra precautions against other [unwanted] people seeing their profiles, but would doing that really ease the problem? With the Internet's concept of information sharing, it's nearly impossible to use it without leaving our own information, whether we like it or not.

Kinect hack

Video I found about the current status of the hacks done on Kinect. Around 2:34 it's talking about the application of Kinect on Windows 7 (something related to the 'Kinectified' I wrote earlier). I think it's kinda cool though I'm not sure if the demo on the video is real or not. There's also the KinectBot from MIT wherein they placed a hacked Kinect on a mini robot to function as a 3D mapping environment tool. On a side note, I recently learned that the term 'hack' was an MIT slang to describe a college prank, but the Railroad Club used it to describe any puzzle-solving project undertaken with wild pleasure in mere involvement. Sounds weird but that's where the 'hacking' we know of came from.

Video Textures


A week ago, a friend of mine posted a link on my wall of an article about a new hack done on Microsoft's Kinect just hours after it was released. The article contained the same video shown in class last week and apparently, the guy who hacked it won a bounty of $3000 to whomever could give an open source driver for Kinect (according to the article anyway so I don't know if the guy really received the prize or not).

So as I was reading through the page I noticed a bunch of related articles and one of them had the title, "Kinectified PC ... not yet." (I kinda like that word, 'Kinectified.' Who knows, maybe a few years from now, it might be in the dictionary.) As the title suggests, it's about whether Microsoft will soon be adding the Kinect capability to the PC. It's possible but there are still a lot of problems to be taken care of: like how to cram all that hardware into the laptop, the expense, and even the problem of "Gorilla Arm Syndrome" where one's extended arms get tired after a long period of time.

So if not the PC, how about somewhere that's not meant for people to use personally... like a grocery store check-out? Will using the Kinect technology to recognize the items and charge them to your credit card as you walk out, work? How about instead of security cameras we have this technology to accurately recognize a person as he/she walks into the building? These ideas may be far-fetched and may be against the right to privacy (in some ways) but it's not entirely impossible. It's efficiency we're talking about here. However, with this, are we gonna lose yet another sector of job like the cashier? Solutions are being made in the name of technological advancement but new problems arise too. And with the speed we're going, it's hard to predict what's gonna happen next.

Socatic Learning

So I loved that this class focused on a socratic style of learning. I feel like I learned alot about thr in this class. Which I suppose is the point, so nice job. I feel much better at reading and interpreting plays. I am also pretty tapped out of blogs and ideas are kinda just leaving me. Anyway thank you so far for this awesome semester to my classmates and professor. I feel like I can answer my own questions now in terms of theater and the like. I am also really excited for the final project. I can't wait to go down to the city and see the performances. I am wondering if we will see the game again or is that part of the semester done with. Hey I am really hungry so I think I am gonna skip out of here. Anyway gimme some ideas for blogs. Please and thank you.

THE hamlet puppet show

just an idea from our group
a hamlet puppet show?
make it into a comedy :)


The Kinect could be a pretty great tool for security systems. Since it has facial recognition, the kinect could be programmed to only allow certain people to unlock buildings. Personally, I think this would be awesome to have installed at my house. It always takes me awhile to find my keys and would make my life so much easier if I could just walk up to my front door and get my face scanned and the door would just open for me. I'm sure some stuff like this already exists, but with the kinect it could be more accessible. It would also be pretty sweet to have one in my car and it could only start once it scans my face. This type of system would make it difficult for other people to be able to borrow my car, but it could also help if it were stolen. When I was younger my dad's car was stolen and I'm pretty sure we eventually found out its location like months later, but if there was a device in the car with a reading of that person's face we may have been able to get that person arrested. Or if someone tries to break into a house that has a kinect it could recognize the face. Obviously, there are surveillance cameras and security systems that people have that can do this, but this new system seems like it could be more available for people.

THR104 Movie with Chris

Margaret Ford Vs. Me

I really do admire Margaret Ford's character as a strong woman... If its humanly possible to switch personality with someone, I would definitely switch my personality with hers. While writing my posts, I was thinking about all my friends I've met in my life--girls especially. I honestly haven't met someone who is strong enough to meet Margaret Ford's expectation. Just thinking about her being a strong woman makes me look down on myself. It wasn't that long ago on Halloween night I was out partying with my friends til morning.. honestly, I have never been drunk my whole life til that night. It was the night I can NEVER put aside cause that night is definitely an embarrassment. I was out with a bunch of friends down in Brooklyn drinking and we were playing this Asian game I've recently learned... as for a beginner, I was having slow reactions cause I wasn't really getting a hang of the game. We were told to drink a shot every round we lose and as expected... I lost majority of the games. After all the shots and all, I wasn't fully aware of myself.. I've lost my consciousness and started having emotional breakdowns.. I was told around 6AM when I was completely sober up while heading to Americana Diner that day about my behavior. A close friend of mine starts telling me how I was grabbing his arm the whole night as if I wanted comfort, crying like crazy basically about everything. It was a total disaster... I was so embarrassed but was told that it was probably because I had a lot inside and finally got a chance to release all my stress and anger. Just thinking about this makes me think of Margaret Ford... how badly I wanted to be her that night and be strong about everything...

First reaction toward Lindsay Crouse (Margaret Ford)

My first reaction toward Lindsay Crouse played as Margaret Ford was a bit harsh... there were a lot of things i certainly did not like about her--her appearance and character. When the movie first started, the first couple minutes were shot showing us, the audience her book "Driven" and then a picture of her. My first reaction was "Woah... definitely from the 80's". When a fan of hers called out her name for a signature...I did not like the way she walks, acts and certainly did not like the way she talks... I feel as if she has this "robot" sort of tone (it really bothers me a little while watching the movie). While we continued watching the movie, I've been began to realize she was a psychologist who deals with patient's matters... if i was in the patient's position having to deal with a therapist with that tone of voice, the second I hear her voice, that would be the last time I will ever see her. I personally do not like to deal with people who talks with no emotions... matter of fact, I hate dealing with someone who has a monotone but other than all my hatred toward her--theres certainly a few things I admire about Margaret Ford. I love the fact that she is known as a strong woman who deals with any problems that goes her way. I admire the fact that she did not need assistant to help her out. She seems to deal with all her problems without ranting or having emotional breakdowns. Shes the type of woman who stands tall, deals with all her problems and extremely straight forward with what she wants in life. Now THAT what i like about her character.


In RUR, the play deals with the issue of how humans can one day be ruled by the very robots they created. In a sense this cannot be true. Of course it is hard to say this in an age where everyone is a slave to their XBoxes and their phones, but this doesn't mean there isn't enough facetime. As human race we have to stay true to our nature and incorporate that facetime in our daily lives...after all that's whats gotten us thus far. It is in our innate biology to communicate and use machines as a step stool not a cushion. Machines are essentially the fruit of our creativity, how could we be ruled by something that can only get better depending on us. Maybe a certain robot starts to go rogue. If so, as humans we have the ability to counter it with an even better robot and we all know there is always room for improvement. Of course I do see the underlying meaning I'm just simply playing devil's advocate.

House of Games Hamartia

After seeing David Mamet's House of Games its pretty evident that this conman's hamartia was actually that he never got his confidence back. He always talked about how he doesn't really do much else other than lend people his confidence in order to con them. However, I feel like he lent his confidence to this woman and she took it and ran. He was lending her his confidence (making her think he trusted her, acting like he let down his guard, helping her enjoy life more through adenture) but she never gives it back. She eventually caught on to him because by relinquishing his confidence he also got comfortable because she seemed so easy to con. He got overly confident and didn't pay mind to her.
She in turn uses his own confidence against him when they meet up at the end of the movie and he's so confident that she won't do anything he even says "What? Are you gonna shoot me right here and risk your career?". She shoots him syaing she wasn't there according to evidence and this is sort of where his own trade kills him. He taught her to con and she eventually got the best of him, even though he was trying to do the opposite.

Mixing Up Textures with Faces

Adding Sound to My Textures

Trying Out Some Sound

Pretty Textures!

This is Cool..Textures passing Through

Why can't I see My Textures?

Trying to Figure out the Music

House of Games...one more time

House of Games also brought a srong message to the table. It put a lot of emphasis on the details of things, which is smart because a lot of people fail to pay attention to detail. The lighter could just have been a lighter but why did Mamet choose to close up on the lighter. Could the lighter represent things we want? Maybe by her taking that lighter from her mentor at the end of the movie, she was trying to treat herself to finer things in life by being assertive and taking it.
As the movie progresses she is taught the tricks of the trade by this con man and she learns to go look for the tell. The tell is not always easily visible. This man's job is to look out for detail and she constantly tries to see the bigger picture. She doesn't know how to do this. She's never enjoyed the finer things in life and she applies this to everything by ignoring the smaller details. He essentially shows her what lies in those little things that she chooses to ignore. By living a more human life with mistakes that she would normally avoid, she's able to enjoy life.

House of Games again

David Memet's House of Games was an awesome movie. The fact that the con artist was eventually the realest character in the film was very interesting. If you really think about it, he was. He tells her straight up, he's a con artist. She, in turn, lies to her clients, telling them that she can help them when in reality she's merely listening to their problems and making her own private conclusion. The con man says he lends confidence to everyone he cons. They feed off his confidence and a temporary, naive trust starts to build which paves the way for the con. She, however, lends false hope. Everyone who sees a psychologist is told they'll get better but few actually do.
The realest thing is the con itself. Living life the way she did, by the book, routine, and robotic isnt really living a real life. Life is full of emotions and unfortunately people have flaws (and make mistakes) but this woman had none. She never really let her emotions get the best of her or even do anything wrong until the end of the movie, when she started to live life normally.

House of Games

In class we watched David Memet's House of Games. I thought the movie was very well done. I like his attention to detail. He uses small things to grab the audience's attention, which relates to us very much because of this final project. In this final project we are discovering new ways to grab the audience's focus and maybe we can do that as David Memet does with close ups on small objects such as the lighter or the knife. What significance do these things have, regarding the underlying message of this movie? Audience members start to ask themselves questions such as these.
Our job is to do things, or show the audence things, that would provoke these questions and get them to think because that essentially helps them keep focus. Maybe if we could drop small subtle clues, such as Memet does, in our work then perheps the audience would want to pick up these bait pieces and try to put together the puzzle of work that we're trying to throw at them. Undoubtedly it does ease the analyzation process because they're able to digest it little by little on their own as opposed to a whole.

Last Time Texture For Tonight

More Time Textures

Excitement over project!

This Thursday we will begin shooting for our final project. I must say that I am extremely excited and cannot wait to go to The Tank and see everybody’s projects. I like the idea that we aren’t taking a test and actually doing something that shows we have accomplished something.
Anybody can cram for a test, but putting together an A+ project takes hard work and actually lets the professor know that we learned something. As stated, this Thursday we will begin shooting for our Hamlet news project. Each one of our group members will have an Act. Each one of us will have to tell the viewers what happened in the act as if it was happening right before the reporter’s eyes.
What we are trying to do is engage the audience and make them feel like they are part of Elsinore, and that they feel that they are hearing the breaking news for the first time. Imagine being in Elsinore and learning that your King has been killed! It is exciting and engaging.



The realest con-artist

David Mametts house of games was a masterpiece. But what I really liked is that the con artist Mike is the most honest character in the movie. In the movie every character is playing a game and is pretending to be something they are not. They are tricking and stealing and abusing their talents to "win" the game. I am not saying that mike isn't doing this. He def is doing the same as everyone else, the only difference is that he is being honest about it. He never says hes not a con man. He never pretends that he is something he is not. He is just playing the game, being honest about it, and playing it better then everybody else. It is sad that he dies in the end. But that was part of the game he was playing. It was an inherent risk, if you steal money from people you run the risk of getting caught and killed. But he never lied about any of it, it was pretty awesome to see. He alone is the reason I liked the movie. I was not a fan of the robotic, full of bullshit Margret Ford.


Did you know we had earthquake????? I didnt even feel the 3.9 magnitude earthquake!!! News reporters said that it hit at 10.45 this morning in South Hampton.... Amazing... we survived the earthquake!

donjuansearch 2


Discussion of Roswitha

Watching the film again

Over the thanksgiving break I watched House of Games with my family. I actually found the film more interesting and enjoyable watching it the second time. My family liked the film as well. They also thought the tell’s were something the could do in everyday life.

During class we didn’t get a chance to see the ending, but when I watched it at home I feel like the ending was a large part of the film. In other words, I feel like the ending summed everything up. For instance, I like how she became more feminine and actually became a human being. Beforehand, she was very robotic and didn’t show any emotion.

The only thing I didn’t like about the movie was that she did not get caught for committing the murder. Mamet did not show anything after he was killed. I would like to see what became of his con artist crew.

Hamlet Project

News is something that affects everyone, and this seems to prove true as we work on our projects. The news reports on the Hamlet projects are intriguing, and add a bit more mystery to the famous Shakespearian play. Numerous times within our presentation, the audience is left not only wondering what will happen next, but also laughing. We added a sarcastic twist to the project in hopes of lightening the mood a bit in the dramatic play. As we continue to work on it, we constantly keep the audience in mind and hope that they will enjoy what we have prepared for them.

Video Textures

Uses for Kinect

I do think there can be actual uses for kinect. For instance having a picture associated with a credit card in order to use it would be kind of cool, this black friday i had at least two run in's with people trying to commit credit card fraud. I think it's application in the hospital would be pretty cool too, my mom is always bothered by things going on to patients, so to be able to see and react to a patient from home would be very convenient. She used to work with the criminally insane and drug addicts too so using that for rehabilitation may be a possibility...or it might let those criminally insane express their insanity...regardless I think the application of the kinect has great potential in the work force and should be used


As much as immersive gaming has shot into the mainstream, I don't think it should replace real physical sports. No matter what projections will have in creating a world that is like our own, it can never simulate the smell, the feel or being outdoors, and most importantly it can never replicate the interaction you physically have with another person. I think this will just create a bunch of socially awkward kids, who think they are losing weight. If my kid eer said he's going to play football...then turns on an immersive version of Madden you can expect me throwing that out of the window and giving him a real football.

milo/ technology

yesterday in class we watched a video about the milo project and how such technology could replace pink collar jobs. I think there are both pros and cons to the system, however personally I would not want such technology to be an integral part of my life. Yes, the technology would offer faster and more efficient "secretaries" or a machine could easily take your order for coffee, but then you miss the essential human interaction that makes going to a particular coffee shop or doctors office that keeps you coming back and makes you feel like you matter. Human interaction is what keeps people feeling comfortable, whether it's sharing a joke or someone listening to your rant about the commute over. When you start replacing people with machines it makes the experience much more depersonalized and less meaningful. The idea of leaving my future child with something like the new xbox kinect was just awful, I could never trust any child to a camera or robot. What if there was an emergency? how could the child be fed? Not to mention that a child growing up listening to robots and missing human connection would have a whole host of social issues. Technology has it's place, but I believe people although they may not be as fast or efficient are what make people have positive experiences in the service industries they require.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Here a a video i found on youtube of a red drop being dropped into a glass of water. It was filmed in slow motion which is pretty cool.

Final project-wiimote

I have been looking online about the wii-mote and how it could be used in the final project. The wii mote can be connected to a laptop through a bluetooth connection, as long as there is a bluetooth client or some sort of bluetooth application that allows you to pair bluetooth devices to the laptop. Once the wii-mote is connected to the laptop there are many things you can do. You can use the wii-mote as the mouse, you can get the values of the tilt, movement, etc. I think once we get the wii-mote to connect to the laptop finding a way to utilize the wii-mote should be fairly easy.

Messing around with Byrce

Here is an image i made in byrce. I messed around with some of the features. I was playing around with the trees and the mountains trying to make a cool looking landscape. The features of Byrce are pretty cool but is limited at times, when there is a lot of objects on screen it gets difficult trying to select certain objects.

The games we play and why

Why is everybody always playing games? It seems kind of ridiculous, but it is true. Nothing is ever just out in the open. Everything is always hidden and given away at the right moment. Is it in our nature? Is it part of our programming. Are we made to always be strategic and always trying to win. I don't really get it, but it is pretty obvious its true. I never really thought about this sort of stuff until this class. And I like thinking about this stuff.

But people are always lying and going against their moral codes and creating new ones that fit their own new persona. Its like some ridiculous struggle with ones self. And I feel like it is all just to WIN.

But what do we win? Do we really win anything in the end of all this. Are their any prizes for this game? Are the prizes money, wife, house, a good career?

Seriously, what is even the rules to the game of life.


Heres just some work i did with the lighting

Bryce Swampland

i decided to mess around with dark lighting, add in a layer of fog... I've come to realize some of the limitations with bryce... the colors of objects change way to drastically in different lighting at one point the trees were fire red, also the background is just flat nothing and it looks terrible in my eyes, so its hard to angle the camera so you don't have to look into blank nothingness

Post 41: Ideas for final

Before the break we messed around with the patches in class. For the show, I think my texture video of the fan spinning is perfect for the RUR part of the show. The beeping sound patch worked great, as the fan spuna robotic noise would sound. There was a nother patch that alowwed the video's color to be distorted creating a very cool effect on the fan. I was unable to figure ourthow to export the patched video so hopefully we will go over that in class. I would also like to see how to create our own avatars using POSER. I know Professor Baldwin did it in class but it was very brief. I think it would be cool to have either all of us, the students or even all of the guests create their own avatar using the camera caprtue feature and place them into a second life space or something to that effect.

Post 40: Design and the Air and Space Museum

Over Thanksgiving break I visited relatives in the DC area. While there I took a trip to check out the museums. I was most impressed with the Air and Space Museum. Talk about design, not only was the museum itslef an architectural masterpiece but all the differents shapes and sizes and styles of planes blew my mind. Each one of them had a different purpose to them. It also got me thinking that maybe we can use some video footage of planes to do something cool with the patches for our show.


more max


heres some different maxmsps

how does the world just keep moving on?

Today is going to be my first day back at school. I cannot believe I have to sit in class and pretend like everything is fine, I simply don't understand how to make myself go through the motions. My father passed away on Sunday, November 21, 2010. Cancer took him from me. My mother keeps telling me to take comfort in the fact that he had no pain and was very lucky to be able to be able to not suffer as so many other people do. I miss you dad, and i love you so much. I cannot understand, comprehend, imagine or accept that my father is gone. I have nothing else to say, except that I'm just trying to keep it all together and get through these next two weeks. I know he wouldn't want me to mess up my hard earned grades this semester- to him education was the most important thing. I can't believe I'm sharing such personal things here, but I have nothing else I could possibly think of to say for now. I love you dad, and I hope you're in a better place. RIP Manny Goldman, 7/16/1941- 11/21/2010.

textures of time 2

textures of time 1

Is it all worth it?

This is going to be a depressing post, so I apologize in advance. I may be a little lazy, and just want to have fun, but I was amazed at how much I actually dreaded coming to school today. The only good thing about school right now are the few and short rehearsals we have for Hamlet. Everything else sucks. I have zero friends, my classes suck, I can't get into any other classes for next semester, and finals are coming up.
Being a transfer at this school, I really got screwed over. Last semester I had some fat slob who didn't know what he was doing, basically pick out all of my classes for me.. and now I'm doing horrible in them no matter how hard I try! So I figured, okay just do your best and get through it, next semester will be better! Boy, was I wrong. Next semester already blows. Yes, I'm taking classes that I actually WANT to take, but I don't have an advisor to help me anymore (the other guy got fired) and because I have such a low amount of credits at this school, I couldn't register until later.. and now I'm only enrolled in three classes, everything else is closed! Just my luck I guess.
I work my ass off, at work and at school. I just don't know if it's worth it sometimes. Yes, I would love to have that college degree, but is it really worth all this trouble? I'm not going to be a teacher some day or a business woman, nothing. All I want to do is act. To slip away and portray someone else for a few hours, make my audience slip into my world and forget about all their troubles.

Sound controlled by a 1M Potentiometer

Nothing else more than just the title...

Sunday, November 28, 2010

The WorkShop 2

This is the program where the sound makes the image... i thing its a really cool idea and thought it would have been better if the dancers were wearing white shirts. Also i felt the image was a little bland it was always the same thing maybe something more abstract would be cooler and have the image be created by something other the "hsssss" its a cool sound but there isn't much music with it. It would be really cool if the LSD program was mixed with that, so the sound would create the streams I'm sure a lot of smokers, shooters, and sniffers would love a program like that

The WorkShop

This is one of the videos i took at the work shop... I really loved the cool effects that the "lsd" program made the only thing is i had a hard time telling if the dancers were making the streams move or if they were just moving on their own

Finished the gloves

So i worked on the gloves over the break and did them but i didnt hav a camera to be able to see if the IR LEDs worked, so i got back today and checked them out... four of the leds work on one glove and the other doesnt ill hav to tinker with it more this week

The Canyon

thats how id imagine utah! doing a little experimenting with the lighting and sky

Bryce: Islands

an island i did

here is some more max msp

This is just some other stuff is i was playing with in the programs.


Yay we got to college and no more hand written papers YAY!!! I don't know about everyone else but I was happier with doing math and physics on paper, And honestly I feel bad for people who get homework where if they get the wrong answers u get penalized. I mean come on, most of the time the dumb program doesn't even register the correct answer and makes someone get a reduced grade. And a lot of times the homeworks on these programs just flat out don't help at all. Sure its a bit of practice and it forces people to do the hw's and all but from time to time they really seem more negative than positive. I wish we could have a paper option available.

Smoking and Depressants

Why is it that people feel the need to smoke when they depress? Don't they realize smoke is a depressant? The only positive thing about smoking is that it reduces your hunger but you get bad lungs and feel like crap after a bogey. Then the worst things people do is they don't just smoke one, they chain smoke 3,4,5 heck even more if they really feel up to it. Sadly many people really aren't addicted to the nicotine but the feeling of having something to do and something to take their minds off of something. Thats the real addiction.

Oedipus pictures

Death from Above

Wanna know how the world might end some day? I know u do, and don't tell me u don't.
U probably thinking, nuclear holocaust, or frozen-ed to death, or global warming, or even starvation, but have u ever thought that a mysterious form of wave would kill you?
Your probably like "this guys and idiot" but listen me out. Do you know what a gamma ray is? Probably not but if u do, u know what kind of harm it can do.

Check this link to see what I mean

Your probably a bit concerned right now or skeptical, and either way u won't get to help in this cause anyways so its just some info on how we might go instinct. So when someone start asking a dumb question like how will we all die one day, u got some nice hefty proof that a stupid blowing sun far far away will turn us into nothing.

Westmalle Tripel

She got the 15 dollar Belgian beers, I got the crepes next door. We ran into my friends, met up with hers.

We were out. In that grown-up, night-time sense of the word.

Not to go shopping or to book plane tickets to Barcelona. Not to meet up for lunch on campus.

In the context of what it was, it was quite possibly the most adult thing I had done up until that point.

We talked about men, over drinks in a New York City speakeasy. I imagine it was very Sex and the City, had I ever cared to have seen that show.

But that's what we were doing. Laughing over drinks in the East Village, me and the older sister who wouldn't let me borrow her Reel Big Fish CD in middle school.

-- Carolina Hidalgo


...She sits in the other room, with her hipster glasses and her sweat pants, silently judging because she's visiting her boyfriend and I'm just a random girl from New York City who thinks it's okay to wear tights as pants as long as I've got on tall boots and an over sized sweater...

-- Carolina Hidalgo

Bryce: City

this is a quick city i did, i don't really like it because i could get a nice texture to do the buildings with


some work i did over the break

Frontiers of Space


Great Website and article on the ever expanding universe.
If u are interested in any sciences or any type of information at all
this website is great.

Another great website and article on the ever exploration of space.

Micheal Douglas in The Game

Onibaba Pictures