Tuesday, September 7, 2010

About the Fate

I don't know if this belief also exists in USA or not(because I arrived here few days ago), but some people in Korea believe that one's fate is written in her/his hand, so by looking at the lines of the palms you can see your future. But if my life is already determined, then why should I live so hard though I can no change it? Does it mean that whether I try this or that or do nothing have the same endings?
Oedipus' parents who heard that their son would bring terrible tragedy to them, decided to kill their son to get rid of it. However, the fate was so strong that they could not resist it and the tragic happended at last. So is there no way that a person can change his/her destiny?
But you can see the decision to find the killer of the late king was made by Oedipus himself. In spite of the warnings, it was him who desired the truth. I am not saying that his decision was right or wrong, but what I want to say is people definitley have some chances to change their lives. During your lifetime, you have to make many choices you can take. And maybe those choices -whether they seem big or small- will effect your future somehow. The choice could be entering the college or not, going to the meeting or not, taking the chance to speech in front of people or giving up that chance, breaking up with your boyfriend/girlfriend or not, eating the pizza or not.
Today I didn't go to the barbeque party because I didn't want to get up early. Now I wonder how it was like and regret a little bit becasse if I were there I could meet new friends instead of sleaping all day and surfing the internet for nothing. And perhaps I could get better picture for my Play Analysis posting at the barbeque party. So actually I decided to be more deligent and go to the kayak trip next holiday with some of my friends so I can meet new friends. I don't want to regret in the future. Therefore I think, in spite of ones' fate, people have a power to change it.

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