Monday, September 20, 2010


A housing project full of 99 cent stores and I couldn't find one cheap, low-quality non-Kodak disposable camera.

I wanted something similar to my shooting with my Polaroid but less expensive. Polaroid film will set you back.

I want to get past the fear of a limited number of exposures that makes me shoot boring and safe.
A fear spawned by 16 GB memory cards and preview screens and delete buttons.

With my Polaroid camera, I take shots I never would've taken with my DSLR.

But I love the loss of control. I'm used to shooting on manual -- controlling ever possible option. The speed of my shutter, how much light I let in, how much I want to knock out my background.

The unexpectedness. A Polaroid camera doesn't take a picture of what you view through the view finder. You can try to compensate -- the view finder is to the upper left of the lens so if you move to the left and up just a bit...

Or you can embrace the unknown. The fact that the picture that pops out won't be what you thought it would. That its edges will be blurry and its colors will be muted.

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