Thursday, September 16, 2010

Do I really want to date my mother?

The question seems silly, but the answer is quite shocking. At a first glance at the question, any normal guy would say “No Way” with passion. Even I was a skeptic in high school as I read Oedipus Rex with my class. Now that our THR 104 class analyzed and picked Oedipus to the bone, I am now a believer that we do look for our mother in our girlfriends.

Previously, I always thought to myself that if I date girls that don’t look like mother how can the Oedipus complex be true? As I pondered after class I came to the conclusion that Prof. Baldwin was correct. For instance, every girl I have dated has the exact same personality of my mother, specifically funny and very vivacious. I think as a society we think that looking for traits of our mother is disturbing. In truth, looking for familiar traits in a lover is far from taboo. I see it in my father and my uncle’s wife as well. It’s not as if we are Oedipus and really marry our mother. I have come to terms with this and actually find it quite interesting.

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