Saturday, September 18, 2010

Freud's Friends... I mean family.. i mean mom?

One of Sigmund Freud's philosophies was that men enjoyed dating their mothers. Freud's ideology followed the story line of Oedipus Rex, where Oedipus happened to marry his mother. Today, compared to Oedipus, men did not really date their mother per-say, but they often look for traits in women that their mother has. At least according to Freud this is the case. I realized that this is not only true for the men but also true in the mothers of those men, meaning the mothers want their sons to date someone just like them.

In my case, I once dated this (insert bad word here), who I really liked, but my mother was not a fan of. She always said she was not the type for me and she was too shy and quiet. This was the truth about this (bad word), but until recently I did not realize why this was such a big deal. My mother is a very outgoing, fun, crazy person. My ex, as I said before was the exact opposite of my mother. She was even shorter too. I came to the conclusion that my mother did not like my ex because she did not remind her of herself. So in my lack of philosophical skills, I have determined that its not that men go after women who are like their mothers, but its their mothers that really want their sons to find someone similar to themselves.

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