Wednesday, September 15, 2010

From Chicago to Thebes

Walking through Chicago is an experience. From the buildings and lights to the people it is an interesting place no matter which way you look at it. This city is similar to Thebes in many ways. One major way is the crisis in which both these cities have been dealt. Thebes, being plagued in early in the story, was in bad shape. This once a prosperous city had become plagued with a sickness that was killing plants, animals and people. The people turned to Oedipus in their time of need as he was the reigning king. I feel that this is similar to my hometown, Chicago. The state that Chicago is in right now reminds me of the state Thebes was in during the play. Even talking to my family who still lives there helped prove this- deaths, poverty, corruption, drugs and chaos is on those streets. I feel that this is a fair comparison to a “plague” that could go through any place. Furthermore, the way in which Thebes turned to Oedipus for leadership and solutions, I feel that Chicago is looking for that same figure to take control of the situation and offer resolution. I feel that Oedipus symbolized more than just a king and a leader, he also symbolized a father and a solution- much like what Obama symbolizes. Expecting one person to make a big change is irrational because it is not the responsibility of one person to decide the fate of everyone. I feel that the people relied on both Oedipus and Obama entirely too much, not taking responsibility for themselves. Although it is the “leaders” responsibility to the people it is also up to the people to work with the leader, not for him.-J. Ramsey

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