Sunday, September 19, 2010


So many women are being naive. I know a couple of women who have a man who is either controlling or playing them. But they don't see it or just choose not to see it. Someone i know has a boyfriend that manipulates her so much that she's convinced that if he leaves she won't be able to pay the bills on her own. But during the winter her man doesn't work because he is seasonal. Which means, she pays all the bills on her own so would it really make a difference if she left him. Everything she does has to have his input. She asks him for permission to do things like go out with her friends, to drive to the store, etc. She complains constantly but still sticks to situation.

I had another friend whose boyfriend would get in her face but wouldn't hit her. Then the next night he would say all the things that any female would love to hear. And she would forgive him. One time he actually left bruises on her and she stills stayed with him. I know of a few females whose men were caught so many times cheating and they still stand by their side. This was clear cut evidence, and they still don't want to believe it.

I haven't been in a relationship like that but i know from good and bad. i know what i deserve and what i dont. That could be why i have yet to be in a meaningful relationship because no one has been able to provide me with what i want and deserve. some say its love that keeps them from leaving but would love put you through unnecessary drama and heartache.

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