Friday, September 17, 2010

Oedipus Schmoedipus Ma I Love Ya

To be honest, I had to write something, so I decided to start today. Anyways, I had known the story of Oedipus Rex before reading it, but after reading it I saw a lot more to the story then just "killing your father and sleeping with your mother". A really cool concept I found was the use of binary relationships. The big one was blind verse sight. The blind prophet Tiresias was able to "see" more then Oedipus and most of the other characters in the play. Oedipus, who has sight, is still blind to the truth and hasn't realized he has lived out his fate by killing his father and sleeping with his mother. Finally, when Oedipus has learned the truth, he blinds himself. Now, I know I should compare this to myself in someway, so I have spent a while trying to find binaries in my life and trying to relate them. Anyways, I came up with the idea of age. All my life I has been very smart (not to toot my own horn, my mother just raised me to be knowledgeable and trust my instincts), even from a very young age. Also, throughout my life I have had many jobs, including being a waiter at a diner. Now for anyone who has worked as a waiter, knows that diners are filled with many foreigners and immigrants. And I believe there immigrant beliefs, along with there age, has lead them to have different ideologies. And every time I tried to tell them something intelligent, they said, "you are not old enough and you wouldn't know", meanwhile I was the most intelligent of the group. The binary ism of age caused them to believe they knew more then I, when the truth was because of my upbringing and age I was indeed more intelligent. I don't know what else to put on this one, so good night!

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