Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Power (And Beauty) of Advertising

I'm a firm believer that the spectacle of something is, more often than not, the attribute that has the most depth and, consequently, the most to offer in present society. To put that oddly vague statement into more comprehensible terms, I mean to say that nowadays, people rely on images and physical beauty and variation to discover what they like the most. Why else would the popularity of reading decrease rapidly over the years while the pleasure of watching artfully crafted movies increase indefinitely? It's evident that businesses these days think on the same wavelength as me, for the ever-competitive advertisers they higher are thinking of more and more creative ways to ensnare public attention for their products. Completely innovative ideas are what bring in the profit, and when they're creative enough, advertising can very well be interpreted as a style of art born out of capitalism over the recent years. Take this packaging of earbuds, for example; an idea so simplistic, yet so captivating that it's nearly impossible to grant it only a passing glance:
With so many and so frequent exploitations in business practices, it's easy to declare the system of capitalism flawed, immoral, and unfair; yet the ideas that are generated to magnetize buyers are part of an undeniably and genuinely beautiful magic conceived in the mind of people who can think outside the box.

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