Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Provacative Pictures

Today in class professor clicked his way through some very interesting pictures and triggered some thoughts in my mind. there was a picture of a car and how some people were living out of it. the professor then posed a question... would you be able to live out of a car and make happiness also? well i thought about that a lot and came to the conclusion that yes i would at first be very sad and probably angry too but then i would shift gears and make myself happy because i would be alive and have my family supporting me and loving me. i would make happiness with what i could and find love where i could because i think with love comes great happiness.
another picture that made a big impact on me was one with hitler standing right in the middle of some people around him. he was so normal and regular looking i thought to myself why was he so destructive towards the reat of the world? i also thought to myself i wonder if someone had done what he did to jews to him how would he feel? he didn't know how it felt to be a jew and therefore i hope he suffurs more than the jews did in the blazing hell fire.

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