Saturday, September 18, 2010

We all have some Hamartia. But Im too lazy to think about it.

Hamartia, hamartia, hamartia.... Flaws, flaws, flaws. We all got them. I don't know if we all have one large over-lerking flaw that will lead to our demise but maybe we do. I mean I am pretty lazy and I know it could ruin me. I got to be honest though, I am too lazy for the most part to worry about about my demise. Haha. You know in high school, at parent teacher conferences all my mom always heard was, "your son has great potential but he doesn't have any intiative". And there right, its true. Even when I see the payoff that I would recieve from working, I still usually choose to be lazy. I am usually just working hard enough to get by though, so don't worry prof Baldwin, you can expect an A, maybe B plus, work from me. I still haven't figured out what I want to write about. I am really trying to figure out what to write about and nothing is coming to me. I guess to be honest Oedipus and these greek ideas don't really speak to me. I see there truth, I see their ideas, concepts, all of it. But I haven't been enlightened or found any greater value in them. And don't take this the wrong way, because I really have been searching for something great to write about, but till then you will be getting rather bland, kinda crappy posts. I am just hoping I can find something great about them before you get stuck reading too many lame posts. Well anyway, I am starting to ramble and I am still lacking some insight here. But, my lazyness if anything has only slowed me down and hasn'e ruined me. I suppose it because I have in all honesty avoided situations where being lazy would ruin me.

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