Monday, September 20, 2010

What qualifies as TMI?

After I posted my last blog, I decided to look over everyone else's to see what they are writing about. I was surprised to see how in depth everyone was getting! Sharing all these emotional and dark parts of them, and I thought "Why shouldn't I do the same?" So here it goes.

My mom used to live in San Francisco, right on the corner of Ashbury and Haight, cool area I know. She went home to Jersey for Christmas and saw my dad at a party.. Now they didn't go to high school together but they lived a town over from each other, so they kind of knew each other beforehand. Anyway, they met at the party and .. hello! Here I am! Haha. But not so "haha" at the time, my mom was only 21 and my dad was 20. My grandparents on both sides had forced them to get married, my mom had to move back to NJ, and they got this shitty little apartment above a pizza shop. When my mom was about 8 months pregnant with me, my dad left.

It was speculated that he went to live with his ex-girlfriend and had been cheating on my mom the entire time. Fast forward a little bit, a week or two before my due date. My mom hadn't felt me kick in awhile, since she was alone in the apartment, she figured she should just go to the hospital to make sure everything was okay. They found that my umbilical chord was wrapped around my neck, choking me! They decided to run some tests and that they would have to do an emergency c-section. The first test they did, they gave my mom a pill that induces a contraction. When the contraction came along, my heart had stopped for a few seconds.. Then they ran the test AGAIN, my heart stopped for longer this time, to the point where they thought they had lost me.. At this time my Uncle Chris and my Poppy were kicked out of the hospital for screaming and cursing at the doctors. HA!

After the second test, the immediately took me out. My mom only got to hold me for a minute! They put in me in an incubator with tubes up my nose, down my throat, the whole sha-bang. After a week they let us go, but they told my mom that since I had lost so much oxygen to the brain, I would live at least 2 weeks, at MOST 2 years.. and if I lived past that I would be severely mentally retarded. Crazy right?

So, my mom took me home to the little apartment, my dad still nowhere to be found. I also had cholic, which means the baby doesn't stop crying. My mom was suffering from the c-section still and she hadn't eaten, showered, or slept in 3 days. My Poppy finally picked her up and made her go live with them.

My dad didn't come back around until I was about 3. It was really tough growing up with no father, but now I'm kind of grateful. I wouldn't be the person I am today if my mom hadn't been both Mommy and Daddy. She taught me to be a strong independent woman, and that I can do anything I dream of. My dad still isn't around much, seeing as he has his own family to think about, and that's okay. I just want him to be a good father and do for my little brother what he never did for me.

How's THAT for TMI?!

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