Monday, September 20, 2010

sitting around

So as I've been sitting around waiting to go to this class I've finally booked my trip to go to Italy to visit my best friend who's doing a semester abroad. Me and my mom are going right before and during Thanksgiving break and I'm so excited. I've been all over Mexico, The Dominican, Jamaica, The Bahamas and basically all these tropical beach places but i've never been to Europe. It's funny that the first thing my friends have said about me going to is to bring them back absinthe. We're going to go to Rome, Florence, Venice and hopefully Verona since I've been told it's beautiful. I'm also probably signing up to do the summer program in Rome or Madrid I haven't decided which yet. I want to travel all over Europe so bad, i decided to take a year off between college and graduate school so i can work for a few months save up money and then just travel, whether backpacking or however it works out. Life is so different in Europe i can't wait to experience everything. I still want to go to Thailand, Brazil, Japan, Russia and Israel but those are going to have to wait, unless i get chosen to go for birthright. Speaking of birthright, let me just tell you how ridiculous it was to get papers for me to be exempt from the Israeli army. My father is an Israeli citizen which apparently makes me one by birth too. I had to provide ridiculous amounts of proof like my birth certificate, my parents birth certificates, their marriage certificate, proof of residence and schooling, etc. in order to get a letter from the army so that if i go to Israel i won't be forced to stay there and join the army. My ex's friend went without getting the letter and $25,000 in legal fees got him out of the country. Crazy right? But I wouldn't go unless i had absolute insurance against it. I now officially have dual citizenship, and an American and Israeli passport. It's so weird to me. Anyway, I can't wait to start my traveling, If only November wasn't so far away!

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