Sunday, September 19, 2010


I love my family and my culture don't get me wrong. All my life i was a very obedient child listened followed the rules rarely got in trouble. My mom was one of those mothers who did give there children freedom that is why i appreciate her so much because with that freedom i learned to never over due it or take advantage of my freedoms. I would feel if i was a parent that you have to give your child freedom or else they would go crazy. From experience i know these things because i have family members who didnt let there children do anything what so ever and as soon as they hit that high school age it was a wrap for them.

I am writing about this because i just see a lot of young adults throwing there lives away getting into things that they are to young to be getting into. It is very sad that i recognize this because i am still rather young my self just turning 20, but i see there is a shift in the way children are being raised right now. Is it to much freedom these parents or is it not enough. I do not know what it is but what children need is morals to live by some kind of code because the way its going now it is pretty sad. I am not here trying to say that i am better then anyone or the way i was raised was but im just saying.

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