Saturday, September 18, 2010

Google vs. Apple

From Andriod vs. iOS, to iPad vs. gPad(coming out soon), to iTV? vs. gTV, to walled garden vs. open source, Google vs. Apple is everywhere in technology world. I had been developing things in iOS for almost a year, and I recently had a bit taste on developing in Andriod. I would say it is a lot easier to get things done in Andriod from top to bottom. To develop in iOS, you need to pay $99, get Mac OS X Snow Leopard or above, and following 4-5 pages instruction. While to develop in Andriod, all you need is to follow 1 page instruction, no fee, and Os requirement what so ever.

While Google opens up its market and welcomes everyone, Apple, on the other hand, still tries to lock down everything for "security reasons". Google just kind of let things go and flow, and yes there are a lot of crappy apps on Android market, but the majority of them are very nice apps with high ratings from the users. Apple's processes are not necessarily any better, but maybe cost more, because users don't have much of choice. Will the wall of "walled garden" eventually go down? I don't know. But there are already some "leaks" on the wall. For instance, a lot of my friends who use iPhone but they use apps that are not available on the app store. And there are signs that the wall is going down, at least, lower. Apple Caves, Drops Ban on iOS Third-party Development Tools

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