Monday, September 6, 2010

I'm my parents child but I'm not my parents

While watching Oedipus, one of the parts that stuck with me was near the end when he was speaking to his daughters and telling them how they were going to lead difficult lives because of what he did. He tells them that people would always talk about them and that no man would want to marry them because of their "scandalous reputation." Also that "virginity and barronness" is what would come in the future. This really stuck with me because it reminds me how so many people in the world are known not by what they have done in their lives; but what their parents had done in the past. A persons actions should never reflect on another because everyone is their own person. There are so many people in the world who have come from abusive families, drunks, and drug addicts, but they have prospered in their lives and become successful. These are the people who refuse to be known by what others have done and have made a name for themselves. Everyone is their own person and has the right to make the decisions in their lives that will determine whether they continue in their families reputation or make a new one for themselves. Every person just has to remember that they may be their parents child, but that doesn't mean that they are their parents.

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