Friday, September 17, 2010

So the gathering you see above is for my friend joe in the first picture on the left. Joe is one of my best friends, and he is a U.S. Marine. I've spent the past week with this large group of my friends seeing Joe every day. Joe is only home for 20 days, and it's been 2 years since we've seen him. I'm ecstatic he's home- but there's a drawback, and i almost wish he didn't come. Although I'm so happy to see him, it means Joe is one step closer to being sent over into the Middle East. He has spent the last 2 years abroad in Japan, Korea, and the Philippines training, working, and serving our country. After his 20 day respite he will be sent to North Carolina and then soon after to the Middle East. I know it is his duty, but i can't help wishing that some clerical error would occur so that he's sent somewhere harmless like Italy where another of my friends in the air force currently is. It's so good to see Joe but every day that passes i know he is one step closer being sent to a war zone with no guarantee that he will come back alive. Every time I'm around I'm torn between happiness that he's home and an overwhelming urge to cry because i know that after these 20 days that if i am unable to visit him in North Carolina, i may never see him again. My mother tells me to stop being so morbid and hope for the best, to believe everything will be fine. I find that i cannot be so blindly optimistic. Joe being home is one of the happiest and saddest times I have experienced. I honestly can't think of another time the two emotions were more in conflict with one another simultaneously. I'm trying so hard to spend time with him around school, work, reading for my classes, and doing all the other things involved with college and living on my own. I've found myself falling behind in my work, thinking "well he's only home for 20 days you can pick back up after." I know that this isn't the most interesting post for everyone to be reading, but can you imagine just knowing there's a possible death sentence looming ahead for one of the people you're closest to and have grown up with? There's just no certainty in life and I can't just "look on the bright side." I know I'm hypocritical sitting here hoping he doesn't have to go while thousands of other men serve, but I'm only human i can't help it. Therefore, I'm going to make the most of these 20 days and pray that he comes back to us safely. Tomorrow we're going to six flags, wish me luck that the lines aren't ridiculous and that it's not pouring outside, i guess thats all i can ask for right now.

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