Thursday, September 30, 2010



are we really ourselves?

see i look at life in a way that may be a little screwed up. i feel as if we are all robots going through life just pleasing everyone around us. look at all of us on the campus everyone is out to get the A for whatever class they are taking.nobody is actually doing something for themselves we are all just puppets in a way. for example the professor says i want this and the students are like yes sir that is what you will get nobody really uses their imagination and does something out of the abnormal because oh no that won't get an A. and so just like this post that is all in lower case letters do something different and abnormal and feel good about it even if its a Small thing like this post.
on the other try and be imaginative. that's why i like this class because it allows me to step into another realm almost where i can do things my way. i feel like growing up here in this society my imagination skills were depressed and i was given handouts and told to do seat work in school instead of doing things with art of even with my own hands body and brain. therefore i believe it is good to express yourself because that is what the world was made for so we could all add our uniquenesses into it.

Hamlet and Death

After his fathers murder, he is overwhelmed with the thought of death also throughout the play he looks at death through many different prospectives. Hamlet duels on the spiritual aftermath of death closely relating to the ghost, and also the actual body of his father. Just the thought or idea of death teally tied the themes of truth, emotional and the fact that hamlet thought death was the answer to some of his inmost questions.
Also in hamlet death is both the cause and consequence of revenge. And the theme that is closely tied to death and revenge is Justice. Claudius felt he was doing justice by killing hamlets father and sleeping with his wife which is incest but in the play this is evident that’s what he wanted to do

I Am Hamlet

If I could relate myself to any character we have come across so far in class, it would be Hamlet. I'm not an alpha male, nor anywhere near royalty. I do not wish to avenge my father's death or believe that women should become nuns. But Hamlet's approach towards his father's revenge is one that we do not usually find in other plays. It is an approach that I probably would've taken if I were put in his shoes.

Revenge is usually act upon quickly because the revenger is eager to get back at whomever did them harm. Hamlet, however, takes his time in acting upon his "revenge". He continues to postpone his actions because he is not sure if it is the right time to take it. It seems like he is indecisive. He had chances to kill Claudius but he keeps making excuses to follow through with his plan. He stalls time by setting up the play, even though he is certain that it is Claudius that had murdered his father. I actually act the same way. I tend to make excuses and push my errands and duties to a later time. I always give myself excuses not to do something although I know I should do it and my excuse isn't really legit. Sometimes this causes me to not go through with my plan and I am constantly changing it. This problem also causes Hamlet's failure to act appropriately.

So Hamlet, I know how you feel.

LUA Scripting

Well, I'm going to be pulling an all nighter studying for a midterm, fun..... I started looking at the syntax and formatting of LUA Scripting.
This website has some information on the basics of LUA Scripting.
It looks pretty interesting and I bet it isn't too hard to learn if time is put into it. There exists ways of executing commands directly to a client's console and the console in game has many available commands that can be used (such as playing sounds, killing the player, controlling player speed, etc.). There are probably libraries available to use. If anyone is interested in participating in this project, please contact me at I really could use a lot help. We can make this project fun!

Gertrude in Hamlet

Gertrude- The Queen of Denmark, Hamlet’s mother, recently married to Claudius. Gertrude loves Hamlet deeply, but she is a shallow, weak woman who seeks affection and status more urgently than moral rectitude or truth. Like a child she longs to be delighted.

That Gertrude has an aversion to the truth is not in dispute. She lies to herself about the consequences of her actions, and she lies to those around her. But she lies to protect. Hers are not cruel and wicked falsehoods; hers are white lies that she feels she must tell in order to keep her and those around her safe physically and emotionally. She must tell the King that Hamlet has killed Polonius, but, she does what she can to help Hamlet, telling Claudius that Hamlet "weeps for what is done" when clearly he does not.

She loves Hamlet, and, underneath her shallow exterior, shows great emotion when he confronts her. Gertrude truly does not know what she has done to make Hamlet so furious, and it is only when he tells her that she understands her actions to be wrong.

Even though Hamlet lashes out at her with all the rage he can muster, Gertrude remains faithful to him, protecting him fron the King. And, although her love for Claudius is wrong by moral standards, she is now his queen, and remains loyal to him. We see she has the potential for great love -- she wants to protect Claudius from the mob, and she cares deeply about Ophelia and Polonius, and is concerned for Hamlet in the duel even though she has no idea that it is a trap. It is Gertrude's underlying propensity for goodness that redeems her. Her men forgive her for her shallow, sensual nature and her addictions to comfort and pleasure because they see that she is innocent of premeditation. It is sad but fitting that Gertrude meet her end drinking from the poisoned goblet, demanding that she taste what is in the pretty cup, as trusting as a new-born babe.

Theatre editting

I made a roof for this outdoor theatre so that people can enjoy in rain or snow!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

"Play in the play"

In class, we discussed how to relate Hamlet with the game Gary's Mod. It is an excellent idea that we could actually "perform the play" in laptops. We can create the scene and something more than it described in the script.

Here is my thoughts.

As the stuff in the game are modern, so we must make a modern edition. The movie gives me some inspiration that the characters can be ninjas living in modern society, which make them a sense of magical reality instead of a movie of murder and revenge. Hamlet is definitely the most important character. He can still be a college student with Ophelia, laertes and Horatio. Claudius is a successful and powerful businessman, and Polonius is working for him. They uses gun instead of swords, but Claudius never uses a gun.

Also, there are TV sets in the game that can play video and connect with camera on computer, which makes it more interesting to direct a play. We can use them as tools to help audience to know the story, so, while the main plot is going on, we play something in the TV sets like sub-consciousness, memory or private thinkings.

It will be fun. =)

Amusing ourselves to death

I had a chance to read the above cartoon for my news literacy class, and I found that to be very interesting. Therefore, I decided to post it and share it with everyone. It basically talks about how two authors Huxley and Orwell see the disappearance of information through two different ways. Check it out.

More ideas for Hamlet

I previously wrote a blog regarding ideas for Hamlet, but the more I think about it, the more ideas I have. I am very excited to see the outcome and find it interesting that Gary’s mod is an easy download for anybody. In other words, anyone can build a game and make money on it, which is, in my opinion, an incentive for anyone.
Regarding weaponry, I like the guns, but I was thinking that maybe we can also use light sabers instead of swords in act five. I do not want it to be reminiscent of star wars, but I would love to see someone’s arm be chopped off. Violence is something that I feel will help sell the game as well as find an audience for it.
I also feel that maybe we can have the player create their own character, such as choosing the features and body type; however, I am not so sure if Gary’s mod will allow that to happen. I will be thinking of more ideas throughout the semester as well.

Julie and Julia & blog

I watched the movie ‘Julie&Julia’ last week. The movie was really good and impressive. It is about Julie and Julia, and I think the director wants to tell about the importance of commutation through the two main characters.

The movie shows how the blog can be effective to people’s life. In the movie, Julie is not satisfied with her work and her friends, but she finds her happiness from cooking. She wants to try a lot of recipes from Julia’s cook book. Her husband asks her start to make her own blog, and tell about her cooking experience on her blog. As she posts what and how she cooks, more people visit her blog by commenting and supporting her posting. In addition, she communicates with other people through her blog. Her blog is a way to find her another identity. Julie finds what she really wants to do from the blog.

That’s why there are a lot of blogs on the Internet these days. Bloggers want to share ideas and communicate with strangers. I made my own blog a year ago. I wanted to introduce my favorite music and share with others through the blog. And I wrote what I think and what I have in mind which I can’t tell anybody. Blog can be a way to present what I really am, what I really want.

I Heart Korean Dramas (Part 1)

Sigh.. What is it about k-dramas that make me so addicted to them? Once I start watching a series, I can't seem to stop...
How is it that many of the k-dramas have similar story themes to each other but I keep watching them?

Do I watch k-dramas for the actors? For the story? Could it possibly be because I wish that my life was like the dramas that I watch? Possibly... It's possible that I wish my life was like the k-dramas. I wish, I wish... I wish. And then I dream.

I think I watch way too many dramas. My dreams are starting to resemble the dramas that I've watched!!! Is that even possible?!?!?! The guys, the storyline, the situations, and event he camera angles/shots are the same...

Could the scripts to the dramas be the dreams and the wishes of the authors that never came true? Do they write it because they think the story would sell or because they wished their lives were like the story? What makes a drama so much better than the life that we have now? Of course, besides the insanely good looking guys and I guess the really pretty girls... and the seemingly impossible situations... and the fact that the right guy is ALWAYS at the right place, at the right time...

Oh, to be the main character that has their knight in shining armour.

But I guess there is one good thing about watching these korean dramas...
My korean seems to get a bit better everytime I watch an episode. The website where I watch the dramas include english subtitles on the bottom of the screen so I end up reading the subtitles and listening to the actors and actresses at the same time.

Though this seems good, I don't think I could say it's totally awesome. As my korean gets better and better, my english seems to go downhill. =.=;;

What is a good living standard?

In the U.S., people live a good quality of life comparing to most other countries in the world. The GPA per capita of the U.S. is the highest in the world. Most of the luxury brands from all over the world have offices and stores in many different cities in the states. All of these signified the superior status of the country itself, and of course, the people who live in this country are supposed to live a good life.

However, with all these "good stuffs" defined by the knowledge of the broad social sciences, artificial substances, many comparatively basic and natural materials have been deteriorated in sense of quality. Take a look at the quality of food in any store in the NYC, we can't find one with a good quality of food provided to the general public. There maybe one genuine restaurant; yet, you have to pay a lot having a regular meal there.

The reason is the cost. The cost of operating a business in metropolitan areas is so high that a regular owner would not be able to stay in the market without cutting cost of the raw materials of the merchandises. The consequences are foreseeable, and they are certainly in the market. Shopping in a chain-supermarket such as Walbaums, Target, Walmart, etc, food with synthetic ingredients is common and unavoidable. No matter how careful the mothers pick the vegetable, the meat, or the chicken for their families, more than various kinds of chemical substances have been formulated in the products. More dreadful is that food makers in the market have adopted the "modern" and "scientific" ways to produce their food products. It is so efficient to reduce the production cost, so as to maintain the profit of the businesses.

Another argument is that fresh food is generally produced in suburban areas, the transportation is not only costly but also time consuming. Businessman have solved this problem by introducing the pre-cooked and microwave food products, which can be stored for a longer space of time, and can be produced through the mass production process. Another way to obtain natural and low cost raw materials is to use other artificial substances to replace the original materials. For instance, if a pack of sausage found in the supermarket weighted 0.3lbs; it's not unusual to find that the real meat used in the package is only weighted 0.1lbs or less.

Metropolitan areas are always mesmerizing to most people. Ironically, we can't have the good basic sources of life in the cities. How can the general public effectively attack this problem? On the other hand, to balance the values between the economy and health, how can we model the cities in the future? Are we going to construct and to construe "the city" in a whole new way?


In Shakespeare's play "Hamlet", one of the main themes we see is vengeance. Prince Hamlet is determined to gain revenge against his Uncle, Claudius, for the gruesome murder he committed against his father. Although Hamlet swore to his father that he would commit the act, we see him hesitate at times, postponing it further and further. Such a decision makes us wonder, was Hamlet truly intent on killing his uncle? Did he have it in him from the beginning to commit such treachery, or did he understand that two rights wouldn't make a right?
If we look at the world today, we know that most people wouldn't go around killing their enemies, as a form of revenge. If this were to happen, our population would dwindle drastically. However, back then, things were extremely different. Everything tended to be far more dramatic. Murder seemed to be the only answer, a means to an end.
Hamlet on the other hand, stands out among the rest. We see that he had several chances to commit the act against his Uncle, but let them pass by, creating excuses for himself each time. It makes us wonder if he really had the intent all along, or was he just playing an act the whole time?
It's true, that in the end, Hamlet did end up killing his Uncle. But, was it simply out of rage? It was a time of weakness for Hamlet...he just saw his mother get murdered, and he himself was dying at the time. It's a question to keep in mind: Did Hamlet truly intend on killing his Uncle or was he more civilized, as we are today, and tried to avoid the act as much as possible.

The All-Mighty: OPHELIA

After this weeks class we were asked to post some of our ideas for the developing Hamlet game. As I was contemplating this, I came up with some interesting characteristics that can be given to my favorite character, Ophelia.
In Shakespeare's play "Hamlet" Ophelia is Prince Hamlet's love interest. However, Hamlet, being the busy man that he is, tends to at times ignore her needs, and isn't always the most affectionate individual towards her. Ophelia, as a result, is constantly being beaten down by Hamlet's failure to make up his mind. I was thinking that such features can be added into the game. Ophelia can be given a shield, to block herself from Hamlet's "love games", so she won't get hurt by them. With the ability to withstand Hamlet's crudeness Ophelia will then have more power, and can turn the whole game around. Also, she can be equipped with some sort of secret power, a simple one, maybe in her eyes? Something like having the ability to kill a man with a simple glance, or being able to lure a man in with her good looks.
Ophelia in my opinion is an underrated character in the play. Hopefully in the game her significance will be more appreciated.

Midterm Week

It's like hell week.. every time. No matter how much I study or what I do, this week is always painful. This week I have developmental biology and organic chemistry. I'm really not excited. Organic chemistry is tonight and I am sick as hell. I can't believe my boyfriend got me sick. He has such great timing. After this I have to work on the theater project. I really really really miss sleep.

On a lighter note, since my birthday is coming up birthday shopping has begun. I got a new the new iphone this weekend along with a couple other things I've had my eye on. I told my boyfriend I want a lemur. I wonder what he'll do with that. I never tell him what I want for my birthday but he always finds something nice.

I started feeding the feral cats by the train station last week. Apparently there are a couple people that pitch in and do it and since I live so close I thought I'd help out. I actually really enjoy it. I guess that's kind of strange. I met one of the women that feeds them and she told me a little bit about them. I'll do what I can. I always donate money when I go to the grocery store if the checkout person asks me if I want to donate to what ever cause they have that week. I guess I'm kind of adopting 4 more cats. My kitty would probably get jealous if he knew.

oh and this is post #17

Overwhelmed, but moving on

I’m overwhelmed, not that I feel, I’m really overwhelmed. When I left my country years ago I had a dream and a goal set. It took me lots os patience,a huge amount of work and desire to get here.
Today, as I write I have so much on my plate, but still I had the inspiration to look back and ahead, kind of compare and contrast, and I see the the door. Just some more steps ahead, and the feeling of being overwhelmed fades away.

Love affair and tragedy.

It seems that writers’ are always seeking for spicy affairs and tragedy,especially forbidden relationship are always more inspiring, I guess. As examples, Gertrude, Hamlet’s mother, had a tragic final for her affair with her brother in law, Claudius, who also poisoned his own brother. Dante Alighieri, in The Divine Comedy, portrayed the Love of Francesca da Romini that was murdered by her husband Giovanni because she had fallen in love with his brother Paolo Malaestra. Is forbidden affair dangerous,incestuous or inspiring?

Hamlet rpg

Making hamlet into an first I thought the professor was joking but this is a good idea. The story of Hamlet is a very good story but the dialect in which the story was told was very difficult to understand. The main benefit of this game is that it can give people an interactive understanding of the story within Hamlet. By using different characters the story can be told in a different, and in my opinion, more efficient way. By giving the user a in game story mode background you can illustrate the elements of Hamlet and leave the player to deduce his/her own interpretations of the story. For example, while playing the game each player may have a different reaction to Gertrude's persona. Whether it being trust or distaste, by playing the game you will come to make your own decisions. One suggestion I have if it hasn't already been done is to offer a in game choice to the players, allowing them to choose one path or another, while still maintaining the structure of the story.-J. Ramsey

Hooray for Hamlet!

I got excited when we were told that we would be discussing about Hamlet. Hamlet is actually my favorite Shakespeare play followed by Othello. I read this play during my senior year in high school but I wish I had read it sooner. We spent a whole semester doing a play analysis and acting out random scenes. I'll admit, I did forget a lot of the things I learned in that class, and the play is not fresh in my mind anymore. But hopefully our analysis of Hamlet in class will refresh my memory and get me anxious to discuss about my thoughts about Hamlet in class.

I remember the ghost that was present in the beginning of the play freaked me out at first. And I always wondered whether the ghost was actually there and speaking to Hamlet, or if it was a figure of his own imagination. Could it have been guilt or the yearning for revenge of his dead father? Who really knows? Only Shakespeare himself, maybe. And his most famous speech "to be or not to be, that is the question" can be analyzed in so many ways. Hearing that we will be analyzing this play through other types of learning such as by using games, intrigues me. And I cannot wait until we get started. :)

Another night...

Staying up late again tonight. Need to study for my internet programming class's midterm. I do not know is this my problem of not knowing how to organize my time or I really have so many works to do. Do all college students stay up late all the time? I can describe myself as a late night person. I always sleep at a very late time, around one or two in the morning, something even three or four o'clock. Actually, I do enjoy sleeping. Yet, I just got works and works to do. May be I should learn to focus and concentrate more when I study and work, like I am not suppose to writing this blog while I am studying my exam. Can anybody suggest a way that can make me be more concentrated? I need to be more productive also. Can I change? or I was born this way?
Have a good dream for those who are enjoying their beauty sleeps. :)

City of Plagues

As I was walking to class today, the weather was horrible. As time went by and the weather still being horrible, I thought to myself when will this horrible weather stop. For the past few days, the weather is rainy, gloomy, humid, and disgusting. Because of my desire for the weather to finally be normal and comfortable I thought about Oedipus.

The cloud was dark, the atmosphere was sticky and gloomy, and the mood was saddening, I pictured this to be what Thebes was like during the plague along with hundreds of dead bodies lyin around. I feel that the people of Thebes also felt this way while leaving that kind of condition. If I was leaving in a city like that I would complain to my king to do something about this.

If I was the king and heard the cries of people to make things better, I would equally or be more determined in solving this plague. I would hate to live in a world like Thebes was in, having no sunlight, feeling sad and hopeless all the time, seeing dead bodies all over the place. Even if at the end I had to sacrifice my own life to leave the city of Thebes in order to restore Thebes back to its normal self.

Hamlet's World

Today in class we expanded on the idea of Hamlet becoming a video game. As we were talking about the game, I came up with some ideas to put into the game. One idea I came up with is that since we can only use the city as our environment, I thought we would split up the city into different levels. For example we can choose the tallest building to represent the castle since the castle is the biggest, strongest, and noticeable structure in the kingdom.

Also since we are using the wii console to play the game, I thought about using swords or axes instead of using guns for the fighting scene. I believe it will be more entertaining because instead of just aiming and firing a gun one can swing, block, stab, or be more interactive with a sword or axe. Another idea that I came up with is that we should have a mini video of what happened and what the player have to do in the begining of the game. I believe this would be entertaining and it will feel like one is watching a movie but is really a game.

I also think that we should make Ophelia have a whip or rope to symbolize how she has Hamlet undercontrol. Also Ophelia should have make Hamlet feel quick or powerless and make Hamlet's father be a symbol for healing Hamlet. This is so far what I have thought of putting in this game.

Summary of Oedipus Rex in Poem

It all started with the murder of the King,
now the people of Thebes can no longer dance and sing.
They enter a world of disaster and despair,
a feeling that no one can no longer bare.

Suddenly comes Creon bearing good news,
he says the plague would end and no longer fuse
If the murderer of the King to be found.
So Oedipus promises to banish him from Thebes' ground.
He calls for Teiresias, a blind prophet, but can surely see,
and is told that the murderer was actually he.
Oedipus refuses to listen and ignores,
until Jocasta, his wife, comes through the doors.

She tells him not to worry and that his prophecies are not real,
she narrates a story not knowing that the truth would reveal.
The King was told he was going to die by his son,
so he gives his child to a Shepard thinking the prophecy was done.
But soon he was killed where the three roads had met,
a memory of Oedipus' that he had never forget.
He has killed a stranger in the same place,
and asks Jocasta to describe his face.

He becomes troubled and a witness he calls,
to make sure of this story that might cause his life to fall.
The messenger tells Oedipus that his parents are not really his own,
and he becomes more alarmed now that his real parents are unknown.
He swears to himself that the secret will be revealed,
no matter how much Jocasta protests and how uncomfortable he feels.

The servant of Laius afraid to speak,
tells Oedipus that it was him that he himself seeks.
He was the child that was given to the Shepard,
who killed his father and married his mother.
Devastated, Jocasta hangs herself taking away her life.
Oedipus asks to see the daughters of his mother and wife.
He begs Creon to forever take care of children and weeps,
And then he banishes himself, for that was his promise he must keep.

Hamlet death

The question of his own death plagues Hamlet as well, as he repeatedly contemplates whether or not suicide is a morally legitimate action in an unbearably painful world. Hamlet’s grief and misery is such that he frequently longs for death to end his suffering, but he fears that if he commits suicide, he will be consigned to eternal suffering in hell because of the Christian religion’s prohibition of suicide. In his famous “To be or not to be” soliloquy, Hamlet philosophically concludes that no one would choose to endure the pain of life if he or she were not afraid of what will come after death, and that it is this fear which causes complex moral considerations to interfere with the capacity for action.-J. Ramsey

My father's dream

As a kid in Colombia, he had a Kodak Instamatic camera. He used to take a lot of pictures and he used to like it, he said. But it wasn't until 1979, while he was driving limos from the airport to Manhattan that a rich guy left a Canon F-1 in his car...

* * *

For the first time, I just asked my dad what he had wanted to do. In life.

He got to New York at 17. He worked at a toy factory, a warehouse, as a busboy, at a bank, at a dry cleaning shop, as a limo driver. When I was little he drove a yellow cab. Then parked cars at a garage. Worked at a printing. He's a doorman now. Good union job.

I knew the story about the rich guy. He forgot his camera and my dad kept it. Karma would later right his wrong -- years later a passenger stole the same camera out of the same limo.

Not that relevant, but funny: He somehow got the address of the camera thief and would fill out subscription cards to photography magazines in the guy's name.

Anyway, my dad bought lenses and lenses for that camera. In 1980, he signed up for photo school. He was 23. The classes started at 6:30. But his final limo run started at 6:15.

So the schedule didn't work. "I guess I could've done it," he said. A pause. "But I didn't."

* * *

Intense gratefulness. That's the phrase that comes to mind. But that doesn't quite capture it.

It's something along the lines of recognizing that I wouldn't be chasing my passion without his help.

I also feel terrible that I didn’t know this; that in 21 years I had never asked him what he wanted to be.

And then there's a new connection. I guess the one that comes from sharing a dream with someone.


Photos by Nicolas Hidalgo

Carolina Hidalgo

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


One Saturday evening, my friends and I decided to have a bonfire in my backyard. Well it isn't exactly a real bonfire, it's more like a fire in a fire pit. We made smores and all we can hear is the sound of the fire crackling over the silence of the night. The crackling sound was complimented with the pieces of ash popping out of the fire wood like kettle corn popping out of a hot pot. Then one of my friends mentioned that the sound of the crackling fire is actually created by the air pockets present inside of the fire wood. And for some odd reason, I began to picture people inside of the air pockets exploding out due to the fire. The chemical reaction that is taken place inside the log must be chaotic and very unstable, just like the people in Thebes in the play Oedipus Rex. In the beginning of the play Thebes is suffering from a plague, which we can compare to the already lit bonfire caused by the death of the King. When we get deeper into the play more is revealed about the murderer of the King and causes Oedipus to become more curious as well as alarmed. Teiresias, the blind prophet, who tells Oedipus about the King's killer, acts like the lighter fuel that we used to create a bigger fire. The more Teiresias tells Oedipus about the murder, the more Oedipus is troubled. The more lighter fuel we put into the fire, the bigger and hotter the fire gets.


I remember my freshman year, i was talking about how i was going to take advantage of the gym. I use to work in there too. i said i was going to work out every other day. sadly, that never happened. i would work out then stop after a week because i got lazy again. But I'm proud to say today, I've been doing a ritual workout for the past 3 weeks so far. Now i wanna work out. Like yesterday i was craving to go to the gym and work out. I never knew I'd get like this. I'm so proud of my self. I'm also proud of my friends for always following through with the workout plan. i try not to eat bad either. i eat at least 1 salad a day and a meal that has some type of carbs in it. i have no idea if that's good but i know too much of something isn't good so I'm evening it out.

Presented Already :)

So I'm glad I got my presentation over with. Now to put it into a movie maker. How do I do that? Will Professor Baldwin take us through the steps to create this movie? I hope so cause I am not that computer savvy. I hope I don't have to redo the whole power point in the movie maker. -___-


uncertainty of Hamlet

Uncertainty is a big part of Hamlet. We wonder if Hamlet actually saw his father as a ghost or even if his father knew how he died. This play is all based upon questioning. Should Hamlet fight Claudius to risk dying? The play really has a lot to do with modern life even though Shakespeare wrote this 400 years ago. It is the basis of our life when we make our decisions daily. When we wake up we have to figure out what to wear for the day because of the weather. During the day we have to figure out if we trust the people that you have spoken with.

In news literacy we did a project called, "Blackout." We basically had to live our lives without any outside media. We couldn't check the weather, internet, tv, or radio and had to live our daily lives without any outside information. Because we didn't have any outside media we were uncertain about mostly everything. This is how the play was written. Does Hamlet know about afterlife? Did Claudius really commit a crime? We will never know unless we have resources or bystanders. We take the world for granted when we know for certain what is going to happen next.


messing around with the components in the zip file...

Why Family?

why is it that we as human beings only depend on our families for help and other necessities? well i think some people back in the old days created a type of dishonesty between different people and therefore we today don't trust any other people rather than those to which we are related. if society is looked at nowadays each family is a little world of their own. we ARE all human and have the same needs and mostly the same goals. why are we so competitive and untrustworthy of helping each other so we could all win. why do we always look to put others down and for us to become better than them who we put down.
think about a world in which we were one big happy family? yeah it sounds like I'm drugs but it's a cool idea isn't it. i mean after all we are all humans and live eat sleep the same way so it could happen. we all would just have to become tolerant of others and their ways and we could do it.

Hamlet and Bible comparison.

Did Shakespeare really intended to use liturgical allusions, both Protestant and Catholic when wrote Hamlet? I don’t want do discuss or bring any subject about religion on my comment, but Hamlet plot starts with the death of the King Hamlet, which was provoked by his own brother Claudio’s, for jealousy just like on The Book of Hebrews, on the Bible, describes how jealous and sinful Abel was about his brother Caim when he decided to kill him.

Plot of Hamlet

Prince Hamlet mourns both his father's death and his mother, Queen Gertrude's remarriage to Claudius. The ghost of Hamlet's father appears to him and tells him that Claudius has poisoned him. Hamlet swears revenge. He arranges an old play whose story has a parallel to that of Claudius. Hamlet's behaviour is considered mad. He kills the eavesdropping Polonius, the court chamberlain, by thrusting his sword through a curtain. Polonius's son Laertes returns to Denmark to avenge his father's death. Polonius's daughter Ophelia loves the Prince but his brutal behaviour drives her to madness. Ophelia dies by drowning. A duel takes place and ends with the death of Gertrude, Laertes, Claudius, and Hamlet. The themes discussed in the plot include indecision, seeking revenge and retribution, deception, ambition, loyalty and fate.

second life experience

I explored Second Life a few days ago for the first time. If I could describe it in one word that word would be, strange. I think the main reason I find it strange is because it is literally a "second life." You create this character, walk around this virtual world, make "friends" and basically do whatever you want. When I first got into the Second Life "world" I was a bit confused. It took me a while to get the hang of the program. After I learned to walk around and fly, I started looking around at the different characters. Some looked normal and others looked strange. There was one character that was a huge, yellow box with a smiling face. Another character was a wolf-looking girl. Aside from the way they looked, some of the people on the program were not very nice. There was a group of characters talking in a circle so I decided to go over and check it out. One of the girls was talking about some other girl and explaining how she was going to beat her up and whatnot. The others were laughing and encouraging this girl to beat the other girl up. When I tried to ask them a question they were quick to ignore me altogether. It made me reailze that the Internet allows people to act in ways that they wouldn't normally act in real life. Their mentality is: so what if I'm rude and heartless on the Internet, nobody knows who I really am. The Internet allows people to put a mask on. They can be whoever they desire. It's a very weird concept to think about.

Hamlet versus Oedipus incest

I have just finished watching Hamlet. It was very hard, almost a torture trying to understand not only the old English language and the accent but also the characters. Well, throughout the movie Hamlet I tried to figure where the incest situation happened. It didn’t,not like in Oedipus where the real incest happens between mother and son, in Hamlet his mother Gertrude marry his uncle and this is understood as a incestuous relationship, I guess.
Hamlet is very complicated play to understand.


If you say gravity is something you can never get away from – like fate. We can leave like a raindrops or streams. We can go where the gravity leads us to go because that is usual and natural.
But fountain is different. It resists to the gravity and tries to go up to the sky high. Eventually, the waters are dragged down to the land. But this action to be get away from makes their shape beautiful; it is a fierce beauty. The water scattering in the air looks beautiful because it shows that it tried hard to be something else that gravity wanted him to be.
The fountain resembles human life, I think.

A Happy Sad Ending

There are I think happy sad endings. In this term happy sad ending, what I want to say is the ending looks like a sad ending on surface, but also can be interpreted as a happy ending in some way. For examples, there are and .
At the ending of , the little prince seems to be dead and the two main characters say good-bye to each other. It looks like a sad ending (actually it is sad) but they are happy for themselves because they learned their precious lessons and became friends with each other. Also at the ending of , it is definitely a tragedy that the prince and the swallow died miserably, but the god brought them to the haven and they live happily in heaven and also they helped many people and each other by sacrificing themselves. SO that’s a happy sad ending.


I was using second life and saw something i thought was funny. If you are flying and just press the stop flying button you actually fall down and crash into the floor. Just thought that was cool. Also the way you can create your own clothes is pretty cool.

The Four Famous Musicals

The four famous musicals which are most popular musicals (at least in Korea we call them that way), are , , , and . It is interesting that three of the four most popular ones are very sad stories (except Cats). In all of the endings the main characters die or disappear with sadness and misery. Some of the audiences cry to see these heart-breaking tragic scenes.
Then why do people want to watch tragedies? People already have their big and small sadness and misery in their lives. I think maybe people wants to know, realize that he/she is not the only person suffering for the difficulties and want to cheer themselves up thinking ‘This story is very sad and the character is so miserable but he/she tried so hard to live with it. I am even in better situation than that and why I don’t try to overcome?’
Or just to enjoy feelings and emotions that the play evokes.

new look to the city w/ animation

Here is my new look to the city with some different angles with the animation..

new look city w/ animation

Here is another animation of my city but with a different look and a few more angles...

Monday, September 27, 2010

smoother city

Heres a view of my 1st city with better quality..

Grand Theft Auto

Grand Theft Auto!!! The most amazing game I've ever played!!
Have you ever seen a girl play this game and absolutely love it? Because I do:)
Before I met this game, I've never played this kind of game.
And I'm not a real gamer or something, but I DO love this game.
This game well represents the culture and people, and it's incredibly detailed.
It's been while I haven't played GTA, but I still impressed by its delicate touch of how it describes the real world.
In my opinion, the San Andreas PC version was more interesting than the recent versions(Fourth version and Liberty City). PC was easier to control than the Play Station's controller and it had more choices of 'appearance' of the character. I mean, you could buy all different types of clothes for the character with the cash you earned. Also, I love the car painting option. When I found a decent car, I always went to the paint shop and painted it with different color. If I couldn't get the color I like, then I repainted again and again. I painted several wonderful cars with decent colors and parked them on my park spot, then I could save them.
What I liked specially about San Andreas version was extra missions, such as taxi mission and firefighter mission. You could get extra income by those missions and it's so much fun either.
Main missions are enjoyable of course, but some hidden missions actually made me love this game. There are 200 Pigeons are hidden all over the map, and some of them are really hard to find. And when you shoot the pigeons, polices usually try to get you, so you have to get out of there as soon as possible. You can get some extra figures or items when you are reached to some point, like if you get 50 pigeons, then you get a nice chopper. It's like emblems in Resident Evil4.
Anyway, back to the point, I think 'girly things' that can be added to Hamlet game are car painting or shopping for the characters' appearance.


So second life is a little confusing. I think its pretty cool that you can change your clothes and appearance. You get to see some pretty unique outfits. One bad thing is it is a little choppy on my mac but it gets the job done. I am going to have to check out more of what you can do on it.

golden ratio

I think these show the golden ratio.. anyway hope you enjoy the pictures

This Weather

Its so confusing. one day its hot , one day its cold. can you make up your mind mother nature? one day im prepared for the cold and its hot outside, one day im prepared for heat and i'm shivering. is this a sign of global warming? i have no idea. but this needs to stop. the cold weather is so much easier to deal with. layers is easy. and if you get hot you can just take a layer off. but if your hot and your already half naked, what can you take off without being judged or arrested? this weather is also confusing the buildings. some buildings have the heat on and its hot outside so it makes the room humid. my professor let the class out early because more than half of us looked like we were going to pass out any minute. some rooms are freezing and i didn't bring a sweater because it was suppose to be hot out. i'm left rubbing my arms rather than taking notes. also i look like a dummy because i'm sweating all the time. i get hot easily so being layered plus humid weather, not a fun-fest.

GPA means everything.

As a college student, everyone should know what GPA stands for. It stands for grade point average. I personally do not have a very decent GPA grade. It is because I did not do well on my first semester in my freshman year. As a result, I have been trying so hard to raise my GPA since then. I only have two semesters left till I graduate and I have done the math already, I need ten more As in order to get a 3.5 GPA. That is so sad for me because it is impossible. I wish I could do better. Yet, it is too late. I would not be able to graduate with neither cum laude, non maga cum laude, non summa cum laude. However, that will not stop me from working hard.
On the other hand, GPA is important in a way that many companies see it as a measurement for their future employees. Some companies would not even accept applicants' application if their GPA is lower than a certain grade.

An advise for all freshmen, watch out for your GPA and do not think that you can recover it later on. It does not. It will only raise slowly and fall loudly.

Future city/vehicle, +++

Added a few things to my city...

second life.

So, I made this secondlife thing and honestly, it really creeps me out. Right now someone is talking to me in Spanish and I don't understand. He just told me to "let go." I probably should, but this just creeps me out. There was an episode of Law & Order and some crazy guy stalked people through secondlife and whatever. It's an interesting concept, you can be whatever you'd like to be because it's the internet and no one really knows who you are or what you're actually doing; and that's exactly what I find creepy. I have nothing to hide. I'm an open, honest person and don't feel the need to pretend to be something I am not behind a computer screen.

Now this guy is following me everywhere I turn and I want him to go away, but I don't want to be mean and ask him to leave me alone. I guess I can't even pretend to be mean through a screen.

More Golden Ratio Pics

Women Doing Something Wrong? NO.

So as in my previous blog, i was discussing love. well i would love to touch on a specific topic. Today in class there was a statement made. I dont know what was said word for word but i know the point was that women must be doing something wrong for the man to leave. That is the most ignorant statement i heard in a while considering a female said it.

My father is known for being a cheater and leaving great women for no apparent reason. My mom, my brothers mom, my sisters mom and few other ex-girlfriends. He always commits and is faithful for a while but then he decides to switch it up and ruin everything. My dad always had girlfriends that were successful, pretty and always did what he wanted. I have stories of the things they did for them but i'm not trying to write a book, just a blog entry. Never did one of my dad's girlfriends cheat, or become rapidly over-weight, or stopped taking care of themselves. Honestly, they became more in tuned with their appearance when they met my father. But no matter what my father just wasn't satisfied which had nothing to do with the female slipping up on their appearance.

That statement really got to me because i know my mom did absolutely nothing wrong in their relationship and he still left. And his most recent girlfriend did everything for him. He was jobless, she paid for almost everything. When we came to visit, she planned so much stuff to do. she was the perfect woman and yet he still left which makes that statement untrue in my book.

new look to the city

I wanted to switch my city up a little bit. I tried to make the city have a white glow to it. I was in the city this weekend and thought everything lit up was cool so i tried to put it into the city.

Hard to Believe

Its hard for me to understand what love consists of. My parents were married when i was still in my mothers stomach but divorced when i was 3 years old. My father was cheating on my mother. Later, he has a child with this woman and i have a new baby brother. Then my father cheats on her with another woman. Later, they have a child and i have a new baby sister. Then my father cheats, cheats and cheats some more. And now he's currently in jail in Maine. Not because he cheated but somehow i believe its karma coming back to him.

Now my mother had a few boyfriends. They never lasted to long though. They were always a bad influence on us also. They would drink and smoke infront of us when were just children. My mother once had a boyfriend who would physically abuse her. I finally figured it out and when i heard him choking her on the living couch , i grabbed the phone and told him if he doesnt get off of her and leave right now, i would call the cops. I never seen someone jump up so fast and dash out the door. let me remind you, i was only 8 years old. Currently, my mom is with a man who shows her no love. they dont go out, they dont cuddle, they dont talk. the only thing ive seen them do very well is argue. Its not reasonable arguements either. very irrational and useless arguements. they have been together since i was nine years old and im now 20.

Sometimes i wonder if i'm ever going to find that ever lasting love that these box office hits portray. is it even real? i want to believe it is but with my examples of "love" i find it hard to.


So over the weekend I watched part of the last lecture by Randy Pauche- very inspiring but sad at the same time. But I decided to do a little research on him just to see what exactly he did. One of his projects that I came across was "Alice." I thought it looked interesting and might actually apply to this class but the interent hasn't been working on my computer in my room so I couldn't download it on the sinc site computer. I'm not sure exactly what it is but it might be interesting to take a look at it... here is a description and the website:

Alice is an innovative 3D programming environment that makes it easy to create an animation for telling a story, playing an interactive game, or a video to share on the web. Alice is a teaching tool for introductory computing.


Identity. It's a word that so many of us are familiar with and yet what exactly is it? You're identity is what makes you, you. Not only is it your physical appearance and even your name but it is the way you express yourself and your individuality. With the age of technology and social media sites like Second Life and even Facebook, it is so easy to change your identity and how you want others to perceive you. Using Second Life you can literally be anyone you want to be. If you're a female you can be male and vice versa. You can change your name, race, hair, and in turn change the way you interact with others. I think many people are more comfortable behind a computer screen than in person because there is this sense of freedom to literally be anyone and anything you want to be. Being able to change your identity is almost like an escape from reality.

Relationships and Family.

today in class close to the end the class got into a discussion which was very interesting. some people said that the woman need to keep themselves looking hot and good in order to keep the men at home and not leaving their obligations. well relationships are not supposed to be based on weather another is attracted to the other because soon that beauty will fade then what will you do? i believe the basis on which relationships are made are disintegrating and therefore the high rates of divorce and conflict between couples.
furthermore these bad decisions people are making are cuasing families to break and for children to be negetive when refering to the family and relationships. however i also see it that the conditions may get better for future generations because the children who did have tramatic childhoods will grow up to have families that they can hopefully give a better life to their children and the cirlce will carry on.

City Animation Final

City Update

I have been working all weekend on my city. As I've continued to add objects and complexity, working on it has become painfully slow, as Sketchup continuously freezes for some time. Saving the file effectively takes 10 minutes now. Albeit this is because I kind of want it all, shadows, textures, styles, fog, etc, at the same time, but it does surprise me as my home PC is sort of an ideal '3D machine'. Oddly enough, I have used Carrara, a true '3D animation' software, on this PC and have gotten much better performance. I guess, unfortunately, it's a problem in Sketchup. Oh well,

Garry's Mod Practicing Video

Musical Hamlet

These pictures are from musical Hamlet performed in Korea by Korean translation. This is an interesting performance I think and I regret I didn’t watch this musical when I was in Seoul. The Original title is ‘A Rock Opera Hamlet’ and was made in Prague, then performed in Broad way and Seoul in 2008. The story is almost following the original Hamlet by Shakespeare but more like exciting and sophisticated with contemporary music.
I linked the curtain call part of the musical in Korea. If you are interested in it, try this.

I took this picture around Smith Haven Mall this weekend.
Life is like marry-go-round, not only for human being but for every creature. It sometimes feels like is determined by someone – by God some would say – and we are just following that trail (like Oedipus’s life was determined according to the story). We are sitting on a wooden horse, we don’t know where it will take us to, but usually it doesn’t get away from its daily routine.
When the sun goes up, I return to where I started. These days, I really feel this way. Although I tried so hard to finish a task, and I finally end it – then, another big task is in front of me. I feel like I am always at the same point even if I try hard to get away from it – like running on the treadmill. Is there any exit to get away from the routine or one’s destiny? I hope there’ll be.


Spatial Narratology....what does it mean?
This is my eleventh blog but I still does not exactly understand those words.
Shame on me..
Sorry for my poor English vocabulary bank...><>

Spatial Narratology =

which means "A space to tell story."

Everybody has his or her unique story. No one's story would be the same as the other.
Everybody's life can be edited into a book. Little pieces of things happen around us make up who we are today.
One fourth of the semester has already passed. It went really fast.
"A space to tell story."
It is also a space of time which all of us are going to miss and forget.
It almost got 1000 posts. Hopefully, by the end, we would able to reach 4000 or much more.

Keep Striving!!

Most need, most forbidden

In humanity class, my professor talked about the idea of what we most need is actually what is most forbidden.
For example, when we are born, what we need most is mother’s care and love - even after we grow up. But love with one’s mother also can be the most forbidden thing (as we saw in Oedipus). Maybe this example was too extreme to explain it, but we can easily find something that we desire is forbidden in our daily life.
Or sometimes, we become curious about something because they are forbidden. If someone tells you not to, you desire it more like when we were in high schools. I think these are human nature.
So I think that Oedipus’s tragedy is caused by this characteristic of human being. As I said before, this story is kind of extreme, but what I want to say is, this kind of thing really exists in our daily life. What we most need is what is most forbidden to us.

Temporary breaking up = cheating??

We discussed in class about that temporary breaking up = cheating. Most of you agreed with it. However, I don't agree. Sometime, you like that person but not enough to be together anymore; you would want to let her go for the better. I have had this experience. Just tell her "Let's break up now, I really think it's better for you." It is not cheating; instead, it's the most honest wish to the person that you care.

Don't be overly sensitive and think there was a third party between you and him/her. Breaking up could be a good new start. Especially, we are YOUNG!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Temporary breaking up

We’ve talked about the temporary breaking up in the class last time. After that time, I’ve thought about what temporary breaking up means. I’ve said “Let’s have a time for each other” to break up temporarily with my ex-boyfriend. I wanted to say that words because my mind of him was not same as like before. I felt not like him anymore. That word for me could be excuse instead of saying ‘I don’t want to meet you anymore’ or ‘I want to break up with you.’ After I said that words, me and my ex-boy friend has a time each other. He was trying to change my mind like before, but it was not temporary breaking up. It was over with him.

One of our classmates said that temporary breaking up means cheating. It could be right because mind is changed by seeing better guy than the regular partner. It could be the worst case at the breaking up situation. People want to tell a lie like saying ‘Let’s have a time’ instead of saying ‘I like the other person, not you.’ So the opposite meaning of having a relationship with someone could be temporary breaking up.

Facebook Self

Who is the Facebook self? Facebook is supposed to be a social networking site, putting yourself out there online on your own personal page filled with your interests, photos, etc. But does Facebook accurately represent who we are?
My Facebook self is myself. It's pictures of me from my real life. It's pictures of my boyfriend, my family and myself. I choose who and what I want to be when I want to be it. I can be sexy with some of my pictures and just me with others. I don't have hundreds of friends on Facebook. I have 160 friends. Periodically I go through them and get rid of people who aren't really my friends. I have to go through my Facebook friends soon so that I can get rid of people who aren't really my friends. I don't keep drama in my life for the fact that they are a waste of my time. If I don't like you, for the most part I will tell you. Or I will try to get to a place with you in which we can work together and deal with you. I am quite honest with people, but in the last few years I have calmed down with how mean I can be. I can keep a smile on my face more than ever and I know to keep my mouth shut around people who will backstab me. Facebook accurately represents some of us, but inaccurately represents others. Some girls are on there looking like whores with their boobs hanging out, and it can turn out that they really are whores. There are people on there acting like their lives are awesome when they're actually just trying to convince themselves that their lives are perfect. I think a lot of girls these days see sexuality as being grown up when it really is immature. Having your boobs hanging out online is immature and can have a lot of repercussions. Being mature is owning your sexuality and sharing it with only one person at a time. I think Facebook is helping to over sexualize today's youth.

Definition of a childhood

I define being a child as never having to think about your parents relationship. Never questioning their love or commitment to one another. As never thinking your father will fail because he is your hero. As never seeing your mom for an hour each day and having her be miserable the entire hour before making dinner and then going to sleep. As never being yelled at for being stupid and slow when stuffing envelopes for your father's biker club. As never having to watch your father rip a phone out of the wall because he's angry that your brother is on the phone and not talking to him. Never being petrified that you will get smacked for leaving your room when you are sent there for doing something stupid. As never being scared to go home and see your lazy father sitting on the couch and not helping your mother as he should. As never being scared of your father when he screams in your face and threatens you as he stands before you in court. Never having to have your brother protect you from your own father. I define my ideal adulthood as going up to my father with my name in the playbill as a lighting designer on broadway and asking him to die knowing how much he's destroyed my psyche and trust in men by being an asshole and treating me like shit. And then thank him for leaving me with my mother who is the strongest woman I've ever met who has set the best example of what a woman should be. Strong, confident and self sufficient if no man deserves her.

Grown up before a grown up

I absolutely was an adult before my time. As a child and teenager for some reason I liked to be around adults, I worked in my aunt's pet store starting at 9. I have loved working since then. I can't remember much before I was 10 because of certain things which occurred around that age. I am told that my father loved me when I was young and loved having daddy's little girl. It is quite sad that I can't remember any of that. My father was thrown out of my life at the age of 12 or so. I'm not even sure how old I was. A lot of things happened when i was a teenager and my solution was to throw myself into work. I worked at checkers fast food restaurant, did lighting design for dance studios and worked in a kitchen when I was 16. I did all three the summer before my senior year in high school. I'd ride my bike from one to the next to the next. I worked at AMF bowling alley as a waitress, in a kitchen as a garde manger (pronounced gard mahn-zhey according to I worked at Toys R' Us, Rite Aid, a local greek restaurant, a deli and now Target. I am a lighting designer for 2 high schools on long island and pick up various gigs in manhattan from time to time. I have worked my ass off for years and have only recently learned how to just sit back and relax. Mostly because of my boyfriend I have been able to participate in the last year in things I've never done, such as going out on a regular basis to enjoy myself with friends. He's shown me how to experience life and have more fun than I've ever had before. I was with a man for a few years who forced me to be an adult and treat him like a child. It's weird considering that he turns 41 in october and I turn 23 tomorrow. September 27th, happy birthday to Rita.

Family Photos

This is my uncle abel. He was almost one hundred when he died. He rode his tractor in the fields well into his eighties. He was a man of few, sometimes misunderstood words. He was a family man who took care of his wife so she didn't have to work. Unfortunately he left her with a lot of money which she refuses to use to take care of herself these days. She now feels everyone owes her and she deserves to be taken care of without having to pay for herself. I am really leery to put my modified photos of my family online. My family is quite insane. I have already written so many terrible truths about them on this website, but putting up all of these modified photos just won't happen. My family is insane, and I'm afraid of what might happen should certain members see what I did to their photos. I hope this class understands artistic freedom. A few of my pictures were written on with my feelings. Only two that I can think of at the moment have this done, but it's their none the less. I have a feeling that if my family were to see these pictures on the internet by some odd coincidence that they might consider suing me. I have no money, no house, no car in my name. I still have this feeling that they'd find something to get me on and I'd be screwed. I have no problem telling the people what I have seen that is wrong with my family, but I don't want to deal with being sued. It's crazy for some people to contemplate being sued by family members. It's quite easy for me to contemplate considering things that have gone on in my family. The happy, smiling faces piss me off when I know what's really going on underneath.


I love using picasa. I used it on most of my pictures and they came out really nice. I like doing crazy things to the pictures, it's kind of a good stress reliever once you see your end product your mind is on fixing some more and before you know it your "stress free." Too bad it only lasts a moment.


Procrastination should be my middle name. I procrastinate with everything. I like doing stuff at the last minute. I feel like when I do things, especially papers at the last minute its some of my best work. So imagine how I write when I actually take my time to do it. I wonder .

Its just so easy to procrastinate because there's so much on your agenda. I need help with time management. I don't manage my time wisely at all...only when I know something is really important will I find the time to do it. Procrastination and I have a love/hate relationship. It gets my work done on time but I lose out on sleep. -__-

Hate being sick!!!

Just got sick over the weekend. I already have a procrastination problem, but this just gives me more excuses for me to procrastinate even more! I haven't tried out Second Life yet, but I will "make an effort" to try it out tomorrow. The first time I actually heard of Second Life was when I was watching an episode of The Office, Dwight was playing Second Life. This Tuesday I would like to get this project going. We need to start planning out meetings and setting up the software.


I am in multiple relationships. A relationship with my family, one with my friends, one with my boyfriend and another with my professors. Each with their own subcategories. How do I balance all these relationships at once when they all require so much of my attention? I just have to do the best I been doing. I'm only 20 and I'm dealing with all the stress of a 50 year old. SMH ..I can't wait to be stress free -- like that will ever happen


Feeling annoyance recently because it seems like I got endless work to do. I am taking five courses this semesters, fifteen credits in total. It is actually one of the fewest credits semesters in my four year of college. However, I feel like I got a lot of work to do. Perhaps it is because I am nervous; perhaps I am not ready for school..

I say I am nervous because this is my fourth year of college. By the next year, I would be finishing my school. After all those years, I am finally done with school... However, I do not feel excited. I am quit nervous actually. I do not know what to do next and what my future would look like. I asked myself, after all these years, am I ready? Have I gotten enough education? Am I well prepared?

I say I am not ready for school because I feel like I need a long vacation. I have not had a real vacation since I was 12. I always recalls the days when I did not need to do anything, just staying at home, laying on the bed, looking up at the sky and imagining the world beyond the clouds. However, those days were long gone from me. For the last years, I always needed to work for my family, during my summer vacation, winter vacation and even my weekend. My life was split into half, half for school; half for work. I feel like I deserve a vacation. A vacation before I end what I have spent for those years for, allows myself to plan for my future and my own life.

I still have a long way to go; a long path to walk.
I should take a step back now and relax.

second life

I tried to mess around with Second Life, but it keeps crashing a couple minutes after I open it. The little I did see of it I did not like, though. Obviously it looks hideous, but that aside, the whole vibe was just really unpleasant. Whenever I encountered people, they were just standing around talking about their pets or sending me group invitations. I couldn't even bring myself to start doing weird stuff to them. It just made me sad.

Depression kills.

Everybody experience things that are unpleasent to them from time to time. Some people would get over it easily; some people, on the other hand, would stuck there forever. Depression, according to wikipedia , defined as a metal disorder characterized by an all-encompassing low mood accompanied by low self-esteem and by loss of interest or pleasure in normally enjoyable activities. Some people who have this illness because they have troubles with their personality, relationship, family, work or study. I have seen people suffering from depression and how this illness has affected their life. Some of the symptoms that those depressed person would show are constinuosly having a sad feel, feeling everything is worthless and hopeless, feeling irritiate easily and having thought of death. I have known people did horrible things to themselves and hurting themselves because of it.

I, personality, quit familiar with this illness. I have done a research about depression and I knew some of my friends on my own do have depression. I understand how they feel and I want to let them and whoever suffering from it know that there are always people around you who care and love you. It is hard to deal with it but it will pass. It may sound meaningless and nonsense for those of you. It is because you are feeling hopeless. It is one of the symptom of depression. You just have to truth and believe yourself and your strength. Nothing is worthier than your health and happiness. Ask for help if you need. People are here to help.

God bless those who are surviving.

Revised Sci-Fi Film

Using Imovie i edited my project and made it into a movie preview. I also added an audio track to add to the finished product. For a quick plot summary see the link below for the original posting.

Do You Do It For Her/ Him Or For Yourself ?

This is one of those topics that “rings a bell”. Some people will feel that they are that way and others will just think “that’s right!”. Many people buy things or do things or say things based on what others will think, especially the opposite sex. I use to think that way too when I was younger (sometimes) but I realize that by even thinking that way, I am not “doing it for my self”. I am still doing whatever I am doing for myself but rather my actions and comments are influenced and directed towards impressing others while I am doing whatever I am doing for myself (I am using “I” to mean “you”).

When people go shopping for clothes, they are looking for something that “fits” them and also how he/she looks from the perspective of the opposite sex. I don’t see anything wrong with that because that is the way it is, I think. However, I think you are not doing it for yourself when you give precedence to what “the girl or guy will think” of that jacked or shirt. For example, if you just buy that fancy north face strictly because it is flashy or makes you look “cool”, then you are just buying it to impress others. It was still your choice and you chose to buy that partly because you want it for whatever reasons besides impressing the opposite sex. What makes it a “doing it for others” choice what that you based your decision on what others will think of you and your jacket rather than how well that jacket will keep you warm or how comfortable you feel wearing it. I can give many more examples and with many different scenarios but I will just try to convey the main idea with previous example. Maybe there was a cheaper and even better looking jacket but you chose the $500 jacket because it is a popular brand and it looks cool. The difference is that you chose it according to what others think because that brand is popular and it is expensive which translates to “I have money, and I wear flashy and expensive stuff” = impressing others. You put looks and impression over comfort. I am not saying that looks and impression is not important, I am saying that it is about yourself, your comfort, what is right/fair, and the rest is secondary.

Some people act a certain way for others and by doing that they are not being their selves. “You are for yourself, and not for others”. “You live to live and not live to live for others”. The same goes for what you say and what you do, say it and do it for yourself and don’t do it according to what others will think. Some people might think that in other words I am telling people to be inconsiderate but that is not the case. Things have to be in balance and you need to do things for yourself but with consideration of how your comments and actions will effect others. Back to the jacket example, when you are choosing that jacket you like, choose it for these reasons “is it going to keep me warm, do I feel comfortable in it, how does it look on me”. Don’t choose it simply because it looks really cool and it is very expensive…(I have seen people with flashy jackets that look cool and expensive but they shiver). So the message is: do things for yourself and others in a way that puts yourself and your priority first and what others only think last. That way, you are serving yourself to the full extent and impressing others if you want at the same time.